Dilek Günneç
Dilek Günneç
Associate Professor, Ozyegin University
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Cited by
Pre-disaster investment decisions for strengthening a highway network
S Peeta, FS Salman, D Gunnec, K Viswanath
Computers & Operations Research 37 (10), 1708-1719, 2010
Assessing the reliability and the expected performance of a network under disaster risk
D Günneç, FS Salman
OR spectrum 33, 499-523, 2011
Least-cost influence maximization on social networks
D Günneç, S Raghavan, R Zhang
INFORMS Journal on Computing 32 (2), 289-302, 2020
Influence Maximization in Social Networks under Deterministic Linear Threshold Model
F Gursoy, D Gunnec
Knowledge-Based Systems 161, 111-123, 2018
A two-stage multi-criteria stochastic programming model for location of emergency response and distribution centers
D Gunnec, F Salman
International network optimization conference, 1-6, 2007
Integrating social network effects in the share‐of‐choice problem
D Gunnec, S Raghavan
Decision Sciences 48 (6), 1098-1131, 2017
A branch‐and‐cut approach for the least cost influence problem on social networks
D Günneç, S Raghavan, R Zhang
Networks 76 (1), 84-105, 2020
Fair Fixture: Minimizing Carry-Over Effects in Football Leagues
D Gunnec, E Demir
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization 15 (4), 1565–1577, 2018
Relief aid provision to en route refugees: Multi-period mobile facility location with mobile demand
OB Bayraktar, D Günneç, FS Salman, E Yücel
European Journal of Operational Research 301 (2), 708-725, 2022
Reassessment and monitoring of loan applications with machine learning
Z Boz, D Gunnec, SI Birbil, MK Öztürk
Applied Artificial Intelligence 32 (9-10), 939-955, 2018
Integrating social network effects in product design and diffusion
D Gunnec
Polarity Classification of Twitter Messages using Audio Processing
M Duscu, D Gunnec
Information Processing and Management, 2020
Network optimization problems for disaster mitigation: Network reliability, investment for infrastructure strengthening and emergency facility location
D Günneç
Koç University, 2007
A coordinated repair routing problem for post-disaster recovery of interdependent infrastructure networks
E Atsiz, B Balcik, D Gunnec, BU Sevindik
Annals of Operations Research 319 (1), 41-71, 2022
Capacitated mobile facility location problem with mobile demand: Efficient relief aid provision to en route refugees
A Pashapour, D Günneç, FS Salman, E Yücel
Omega 129, 103138, 2024
Prediction of Migration Paths Using Agent-Based Simulation Modeling: The Case of Syria
Ö Güngör, D Günneç, FS Salman, E Yücel
12th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and …, 2022
A capacitated mobile facility location problem with mobile demand: Recurrent service provision to en route refugees
A Pashapour, DG Danış, FS Salman, E Yücel
Advances in Database Technology-EDBT, 2022
Etki enbüyükleme problemi için ajan-bazlı modelleme yaklaşımı
D Günneç
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi Fen Ve Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 18 (2), 701-709, 2018
Simulation of migration paths using agent-based modeling: The case of Syrian refugees en route to Turkey
Ö Güngör, D Günneç, S Salman, E Yücel
Socio-Economic Planning Sciences 96, 102089, 2024
Multi-period mobile facility location for relief aid provision to en route refugees
OB Bayraktar, D Günneç, FS Salman, E Yücel
31st European Conference on Operational Research, 2021
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Articles 1–20