Emrah KAYA
Emrah KAYA
Associate Professor, Iğdır University
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Determination of potential nutritive value of Trigonella kotschi fenzl hay harvested at three different maturity stages
A Kamalak, Aİ Atalay, ÇÖ Özkan, E Kaya, A Tatlıyer
Kafkas Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi 17 (4), 2011
Effect of species on chemical composition, metabolizable energy, organic matter digestibility and methane production of some legume plants grown in Turkey
OS Uslu, O Kurt, E Kaya, A Kamalak
Journal of Applied Animal Research 46 (1), 1158-1161, 2018
Potential nutritive value and condensed tannin contents of acorns from different oak species
E Kaya, A Kamalak
Kafkas Univ Vet Fak Derg 18 (6), 1061-1066, 2012
Effect of essential orange (Citrus sinensis L.) oil on rumen microbial fermentation using in vitro gas production technique
A Kamalak, AI Atalay, CO Ozkan, A Tatliyer, E Kaya
J. Anim. Plant Sci 21 (4), 764-769, 2011
Comparison of the chemical composition and anti-methanogenic potential of Liquidambar orientalis leaves with Laurus nobilis and Eucalyptus globulus leaves using an in vitro gas …
I Ulger, A Kamalak, Ö Kurt, E Kaya, I Guven
Ciencia e investigacion Agraria 44 (1), 75-82, 2017
Effect of varieties on potential nutritive value of pistachio hulls
M Boğa, İ Güven, Aİ Atalay, E Kaya
Kafkas Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi 19 (4), 2013
Potential nutritive value and methane production of pods, seed and senescent leaves of Gleditsia triacanthos trees
E Kaya, Ö Canbolat, Aİ Atalay, Ö Kurt, A Kamalak
Livestock Research for Rural Development 28 (7), 2016
Effect of maturity on chemical composition and nutritive value of leaves of Arbutus andrachne shrub and rumen in vitro methane production
Aİ Atalay, ÇÖ Özkan, E Kaya, Ö Kurt, A Kamalak
Livestock Research for Rural Development 29 (7), 2017
Determination of potential nutritive value of cotton gin trash produced from different feed companies
ÇO Ozkan, M Boga, AI Atalay, I Guven, E Kaya
Journal of Applied Animal Research 43 (4), 474-478, 2015
Effect of species on nutritive value and methane productions of citrus pulps for ruminants
ÇÖ Özkan, E Kaya, İ Ülger, İ Güven, A Kamalak
Hayvansal Üretim 58 (1), 9-13, 2017
Effect of peppermint (Mentha piperita) essential oil on rumen microbial fermentation of barley grain
CO Ozkan, A Kamalak, AI Atalay, A Tatliyer, E Kaya
Journal of Applied Animal Research 43 (3), 287-290, 2015
The effect of species on nutritive value and anti-methanogenic potential of vetch hays grown in native pasture in Turkey
E Kaya
Progress in Nutrition 23 (2), 2021
Crude protein and amino acid compositions of some protein sources used livestock production in south of Turkey.
CO Ozkan, AI Atalay, I Guven, E Kaya, A Sagocak
Prediction of birth weight from body measurements with the CART algorithm in Morkaraman lambs
C Tırınk, R Tosun, M Saftan, E Kaya, Aİ Atalay
Large Animal Review 28 (4), 187-192, 2022
Determination of chemical composition and nutritive value of some vegetables leaves for ruminant animals
ÇÖ Özkan, Ö Kurt, Aİ Atalay, E Kaya, A Kamalak
Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology 7 (1), 371-376, 2017
Chemical composition, nutritive value and rumen methane potential of some legume tree pods
Aİ Atalay, ÇÖ Özkan, E Kaya, A Kamalak, Ö Canbolat
Livestock Research for Rural Development 30 (5), 2018
Determination of chemical compositions and gas production values of some root and tuber crops from market wastes
E Kaya, A Kamalak
Black Sea Journal of Agriculture 2 (4), 186-190, 2019
Determination of effects of microwave irradiation on fermentation of oak nut (Quercus coccifera) using Hohenheim gas production technique
E Kaya, Aİ Atalay, Ö Kurt, DN Zangana, MJM Salih, A Kamalak
Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University Journal Of Natural Sciences 19 (3), 268-271, 2016
Comparison of different laboratory-scale ensiling methods for evaluating the influence of silage additives on maize silage
E Kaya
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 9 (3), 705-713, 2022
Ruminant beslemede kullanılan bazı kaba ve kesif yemlerin in vitro gaz üretimlerinin belirlenmesi
O Kurt, A Kamalak, Aİ Atalay, E Kaya, AN Kurt
Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi 9 (2), 406-412, 2022
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Articles 1–20