Takip et
Ömer Alkan
Ömer Alkan
Professor of Department of Econometrics, Ataturk University, Erzurum/Türkiye
atauni.edu.tr üzerinde doğrulanmış e-posta adresine sahip
Alıntı yapanlar
Alıntı yapanlar
Ranking of renewable energy sources for regions in Turkey by fuzzy entropy based fuzzy COPRAS and fuzzy MULTIMOORA
Ö Alkan, ÖK Albayrak
Renewable Energy 162, 712-726, 2020
Economic violence against women: A case in Turkey
Ö Alkan, Ş Özar, Ş Ünver
PLoS one 16 (3), e0248630, 2021
Determination of the factors affecting sexual violence against women in Turkey: a population-based analysis
Ö Alkan, HH Tekmanlı
BMC women's health 21 (1), 188, 2021
Determination of factors influencing tobacco consumption in Turkey using categorical data analyses1
Ö Alkan, H Abar
Archives of environmental & occupational health 75 (1), 27-35, 2020
Determination of factors affecting the financial literacy of university students in Eastern Anatolia using ordered regression models
O Alkan, E Oktay, S Unver, E Gerni
Asian Economic and Financial Review 10 (5), 536*546, 2020
Determinants of e-Commerce Use at Different Educational Levels: Empirical Evidence from Turkey
Ş Ünver, Ö Alkan
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (3 …, 2021
Determinants of housing demand in the Erzurum province, Turkey
E Oktay, A Karaaslan, Ö Alkan, A Kemal Çelik
International Journal of Housing Markets and Analysis 7 (4), 586-602, 2014
Verbal and psychological violence against women in Turkey and its determinants
Ö Alkan, C Serçemeli, K Özmen
PLoS one 17 (10), e0275950, 2022
Türkiye’de E-Devlet Hizmetlerinin Kullanımını Etkileyen Faktörlerin Analizi
Ö Alkan, Ş Ünver
Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi 34 (4), 1431 - 1453, 2020
Secondhand smoke exposure for different education levels: findings from a large, nationally representative survey in Turkey
Ö Alkan, Ş Ünver
BMJ open 12 (2), e057360, 2022
Tobacco smoke exposure among women in Turkey and determinants
Ö Alkan, Ş Ünver
Journal of Substance Use 27 (1), 43-49, 2022
Analysis of factors affecting alcohol and tobacco concurrent use by bivariate probit model in Turkey
Ö Alkan, H Abar, Ö Gençer
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 (23), 30168-30175, 2021
Modeling of the Factors Affecting e-Commerce Use in Turkey by Categorical Data Analysis
Ö Alkan, H Küçükoğlu, G Tutar
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (1 …, 2021
Determinants of household saving behaviour in Turkey
KÇ Karaaslan, E Oktay, Ö Alkan
Sosyoekonomi 30 (51), 71-90, 2022
Determinants of domestic physical violence against women in Turkey
Ö Alkan, Ş Ünver
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews 8 (6), 55-67, 2020
Temel bileşenler analizi ve bir uygulama örneği
Ö Alkan
Atatürk Üniversitesi, Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü, İşletme Anabilimdalı …, 2008
Predictors of Turkish individuals’ online shopping adoption: An empirical study on regional difference
Ş Ünver, AF Aydemir, Ö Alkan
PLoS One 18 (7), e0288835, 2023
Kredi kartı sahipliğinde etkili olan faktörlerin araştırılması: Erzurum örneği
E Oktay, Ü Özen, Ö Alkan
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi Dergisi 24 (2 …, 2009
Investigation of factors that affect the frequency of alcohol use of employees in Turkey
Ö Alkan, E Güney
Journal of Substance Use 26 (5), 468-474, 2021
Determinants of intimate partner controlling behavior targeting women in Türkiye
B Başkan, Ö Alkan
Frontiers in psychology 14, 1174143, 2023
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