Dr. Barış Erdil
Dr. Barış Erdil
Yuzuncu Yil University, Department of Civil Engineering
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Seismic Resistance Evaluation of Traditional Ottoman Timber-Frame Hımış Houses: Frame Loadings and Material Tests
YD Aktaş, U Akyüz, A Türer, B Erdil, NŞ Güçhan
Earthquake Spectra 30 (4), 1711-1732, 2014
Why RC buildings failed in the 2011 Van, Turkey, earthquakes: construction versus design practices
B Erdil
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 31 (3), 04016110, 2017
The 23 October 2011 MW7.0 Van (Eastern Turkey) Earthquake: Interpretations of Recorded Strong Ground Motions and Post-Earthquake Conditions of Nearby …
V Akansel, G Ameri, A Askan, A Caner, B Erdil, Ö Kale, D Okuyucu
Earthquake Spectra 30 (2), 657-682, 2014
Mechanical behavior of CFRP confined low strength concretes subjected to simultaneous heating–cooling cycles and sustained loading
B Erdil, U Akyuz, IO Yaman
Materials and structures 45, 223-233, 2012
Effects of structural parameters on seismic behaviour of historical masonry minaret
B Erdil, M Tapan, İ Akkaya, F Korkut
Periodica Polytechnica Civil Engineering 62 (1), 148-161, 2018
Evaluation of Turkish seismic bridge design practice resulting in a successful seismic performance of highway bridges during the 23 October 2011 Van earthquake, Mw= 7.1
D Okuyucu, Ö Kale, B Erdil, A Caner, A Askan, VH Akansel
J. Performance Construct. Facil., Preview Manuscript, available at: http …, 2014
A detailed comparison of preliminary seismic vulnerability assessment methods for RC buildings
B Erdil, H Ceylan
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering …, 2019
MVP interaction based seismic vulnerability assessment of RC buildings
B Erdil, H Ceylan
Građevinar 71 (06.), 489-503, 2019
A simplified fundamental period equation for RC buildings
A Yiğit, B Erdil, I Akkaya
Građevinar 73 (05.), 483-497, 2021
Testing and seismic capacity evaluation of a typical traditional Ottoman Timber Frame
E Aktas, Y Didem, A Turer, B Erdil, U Akyüz, GN Sahin
Advanced Materials Research 133, 629-634, 2010
Behaviour of CFRP reinforced low-strength concretes subjected to temperature changes and sustained loads
B Erdil, U Akyuz, IO Yaman
The 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Beijing, China, 2008
Critical cold joint angle in concrete
TMJ Quraish Qusay Ali, Barış Erdil
Construction and Building Materials 409, 2023
Structural Performance of Masonry Buildings Under Harsh Climate and Seismic Loads
B Erdil, F Korkut, M Aydin, N Yaltay
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Civil Engineering …, 2022
Comparison of Walk-Down Procedures in Evaluating Seismic Vulnerability of RC Buildings in Turkey
B Erdil, H Ceylan
3rd International Mediterranean Science and Engineering Congress (IMSEC 2018 …, 2018
Dikdörtgen kesitli betonarme perde duvarların taşıma gücü momenti hesabı için basit bir yaklaşım
B Erdil
Pamukkale Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 23 (3), 209-220, 2017
Seismic performance evaluation of Adilcevaz Pasha (Tugrul bey) mosque
B Erdil, D Okuyucu
WCCE-ECCE-TCCE Joint Conference 2, Seismic protection of cultural heritage …, 2011
Seismic performance evaluation of Emir Bayındır Cupola in Ahlat
D Okuyucu, B Erdil
Proceedings of Symposium with International Participation on Strengthening …, 2009
Structural Behavior of Timber Frame Ottoman Traditional “Hımış” Houses–Frame Loading Experiments
YD Aktas, B Erdil, U Akyuz, N Sahin Guchan, A Turer
Betonarme binalar için perde duvar etkinliğinin belirlenmesi
B Erdil, Y Gündüz
Bitlis Eren Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Dergisi 10 (2), 655-669, 2021
CFRP-confined concrete columns under different environmental conditions
B Erdil, U Akyüz, İÖ Yaman
Magazine of concrete research 65 (12), 731-743, 2013
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Articles 1–20