Sakarya Uygulamalı Bilimler Üniversitesi
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Design and implementation of a new sliding-mode observer for speed-sensorless control of induction machine
A Derdiyok, MK Guven, H Rehman, N Inanc, L Xu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 49 (5), 1177-1182, 2002
A new current model flux observer for wide speed range sensorless control of an induction machine
H Rehman, A Derdiyok, MK Guven, L Xu
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 17 (6), 1041-1048, 2002
Speed-sensorless control of induction motor using a continuous control approach of sliding-mode and flux observer
A Derdiyok
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 52 (4), 1170-1176, 2005
Implementation of an adaptive fuzzy compensator for coupled tank liquid level control system
A Başçi, A Derdiyok
Measurement 91, 12-18, 2016
A sliding mode speed and rotor time constant observer for induction machines
A Derdiyok, Z Yan, M Guven, V Utkin
IECON'01. 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society …, 2001
An MRAS scheme for on-line rotor resistance adaptation of an induction machine
HU Rehman, A Derdiyok, MK Guven, L Xu
2001 IEEE 32nd annual power electronics Specialists conference (IEEE cat. no …, 2001
The application of chattering-free sliding mode controller in coupled tank liquid-level control system
A Derdiyok, A Başçi
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 30, 540-545, 2013
Trajectory tracking control of a four rotor unmanned aerial vehicle based on continuous sliding mode controller
A Basci, K Can, K Orman, A Derdiyok
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 23 (3), 12-19, 2017
Torque ripple minimization of a switched reluctance motor including mutual inductances via sliding mode control technique
N Inanc, A Derdiyok, V Ozbulur
ISIE'97 Proceeding of the IEEE International Symposium on Industrial …, 1997
Speed and direction angle control of four wheel drive skid-steered mobile robot by using fractional order PI controller
K Orman, A Basci, A Derdiyok
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 22 (5), 14-19, 2016
A novel speed estimation algorithm for induction machines
A Derdiyok
Electric Power Systems Research 64 (1), 73-80, 2003
A robust sliding mode observer for speed estimation of induction machine
A Derdiyok, H Rehman, MK Guven, N Inanc, L Xu
APEC 2001. Sixteenth Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and …, 2001
Optimal phase current profiling of SRM by fuzzy logic controller to minimize torque ripple
A Derdiyok, N Inanc, V Ozbulur, Y Ozoglu
Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 77-82, 1997
Simple method for speed and rotor resistance estimation of induction machines
A Derdiyok
IEE Proceedings-Electric Power Applications 150 (3), 289-294, 2003
A new current model flux observer insensitive to rotor time constant and rotor speed for DFO control of induction machine
HU Rehman, MK Gilven, A Derdiyok, L Xu
2001 IEEE 32nd Annual Power Electronics Specialists Conference (IEEE Cat. No …, 2001
Sliding mode control of a bioreactor
A Derdiyok, M Levent
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 17, 619-624, 2000
A DSP-based indirect field oriented induction machine control by using chattering-free sliding mode
A Derdiyok, MK Guven, N Inanc, H Rehman, L Xu
Proceedings of the IEEE 2000 National Aerospace and Electronics Conference …, 2000
Sliding modes control of active suspensions
N Yagiz, V Ozbulur, N Inanc, A Derdiyok
Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 349-353, 1997
An Adaptive-Fuzzy Fractional-Order Sliding Mode Controller Design for an Unmanned Vehicle.
K Orman, K Can, A Basci, A Derdiyok
Electronics & Electrical Engineering 24 (2), 2018
Real-time speed control of BLDC motor based on fractional sliding mode controller
A Başçi, K Orman, K Can, A Derdiyok
International Journal of Applied Mathematics Electronics and Computers, 314-318, 2016
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Articles 1–20