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Surgical treatment of elongated styloid process: experience of 61 cases
A Ceylan, A Köybaşioğlu, F Celenk, O Yilmaz, S Uslu
Skull base 18 (05), 289-295, 2008
Impact of isotonic and hypertonic saline solutions on mucociliary activity in various nasal pathologies: clinical study
A Ural, TK Oktemer, Y Kizil, F Ileri, S Uslu
The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 123 (5), 517-521, 2009
Accessory nerve function after modified radical and lateral neck dissections
A Köybasioglu, AB Tokcaer, SS Uslu, F Ileri, L Beder, S Özbilen
The Laryngoscope 110 (1), 73-77, 2000
Computed tomographic evaluation of surgically significant vascular variations related with the temporal bone
S Atilla, S Akpek, S Uslu, ET Ilgit, S Işik
European journal of radiology 20 (1), 52-56, 1995
Sternocleidomastoid muscle flap reconstruction during parotidectomy to prevent Frey's syndrome and facial contour deformity
K Asal, A Köybaşioğlu, E Inal, A Ural, SS Uslu, A Ceylan, F Ileri
Ear, nose & throat journal 84 (3), 173-176, 2005
A variation of the median nerve at the level of brachial plexus.
MF Sargon, SS Uslu, HH Celik, D Akşit
Bulletin de l'Association des Anatomistes 79 (246), 25-26, 1995
The treatment of lymphangioma in the buccal mucosa by radiofrequency ablation: a case report
S Bozkaya, D Uğar, I Karaca, A Ceylan, S Uslu, E Barış, B Tokman
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and …, 2006
Lymphatic metastasis to the supraretrospinal recess in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma
A Köybasioǧlu, E Inal, S Uslu, F Ileri, M Yilmaz, K Asal
Annals of Otology, Rhinology & Laryngology 111 (1), 96-99, 2002
Clinical presentation of a sphenochoanal polyp
FF İleri, A Köybaşıoğlu, S Uslu
European archives of oto-rhino-laryngology 255, 138-139, 1998
Accessory nerve function in lateral selective neck dissection with undissected level IIb
A Köybaşıoğlu, A Bora Tokçaer, E Inal, S Uslu, T Koçak, A Ural
ORL 68 (2), 88-92, 2006
Obstructive upper airway problems and primary enuresis nocturna relationship in pediatric patients: reciprocal study
U Aydil, E Iseri, Y Kizil, S Bodur, A Ceylan, S Uslu
Journal of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 37 (2), 235, 2008
Analysis of choanal polyps
Y Kizil, U Aydil, A Ceylan, S Uslu, V Batürk
Journal of Craniofacial Surgery 25 (3), 1082-1084, 2014
Neoplasms of the hard palate
U Aydil, Y Kızıl, FK Bakkal, A Köybaşıoğlu, S Uslu
Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 72 (3), 619-626, 2014
The significance of ferritin, lipid-associated sialic acid, CEA, squamous celi carcinoma SCC antigen, and CYFRA 21-1 levels in SCC of the head and neck
E İnal, M Laçin, K Asal, A Ceylan, A Köybaşıoğlu, F İleri, S Uslu
The Turkish Journal of Ear Nose and Throat 12 (1), 23-30, 2004
Thyroid gland invasion in advanced laryngeal and hypopharyngeal carcinoma.
A Ceylan, A Köybaşioğlu, M Yilmaz, S Uslu, K Asal, E İnal
Kulak Burun Bogaz Ihtisas Dergisi: KBB= Journal of Ear, Nose, and Throat 13 …, 2004
An important anatomic variation in head and neck region: anomaly of the anterior belly of the digastric muscle.
SS Uslu, S Atilla, HH Celik, E Inal
Bulletin de l'Association des Anatomistes 79 (244), 39-41, 1995
Pleomorphic adenoma of the nasal columella
A Ceylan, F Çelenk, A Poyraz, S Uslu
Pathology-Research and Practice 204 (4), 273-276, 2008
An angiomatous nasal polyp: a very rare variant of sinochoanal nasal polyps
A Ceylan, K Asal, F Celenk, S Uslu
B ENT 3 (3), 145-148, 2007
Histopathological examination of the effects of radiofrequency treatment on mucosa in patients with inferior nasal concha hypertrophy
MF Sargon, HH Çelik, SS Uslu, ÖT Yücel, CC Denk, A Ceylan
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 266, 231-235, 2009
Submandibular accessory salivary gland causing Warthin's duct obstruction
A Köybaşıoğlu, F Ileri, S Gençay, A Poyraz, S Uslu, E İnal
Head & Neck: Journal for the Sciences and Specialties of the Head and Neck …, 2000
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Articles 1–20