Tomás Figueiredo
Tomás Figueiredo
Prof. de Ambiente e Recursos Naturais
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Thresholds for gully initiation and sedimentation in Mediterranean Europe
L Vandekerckhove, J Poesen, D Oostwoud Wijdenes, J Nachtergaele, ...
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 25 (11), 1201-1220, 2000
Effects of rock fragments on physical degradation of cultivated soils by rainfall
B Van Wesemael, J Poesen, T de Figueiredo
Soil and Tillage Research 33 (3-4), 229-250, 1995
Effects of surface rock fragment characteristics on interrill runoff and erosion of a silty loam soil
T de Figueiredo, J Poesen
Soil and Tillage Research 46 (1-2), 81-95, 1998
Uma panorâmica sobre os recursos pedológicos do Nordeste Transmontano
T Figueiredo
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Escola Superior Agrária, 2013
Surface roughness evolution of soils containing rock fragments
B Van Wesemael, J Poesen, T de Figueiredo, G Govers
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 21 (5), 399-411, 1996
Soil loss and run-off in young forest stands as affected by site preparation technique: a study in NE Portugal
T de Figueiredo, F Fonseca, A Martins
European Journal of Forest Research 131, 1747-1760, 2012
Pedregosidade e Erosão Hídrica dos Solos em Trás-os-Montes: contributo para a interpretação de registos em vinhas ao alto na Região do Douro
T Figueiredo
UTAD, Vila Real, 2001
Proteção do solo em viticultura de montanha: manual técnico para a região do Douro
T Figueiredo
ADVID–Associação para o Desenvolvimento da Viticultura Duriense, 2015
Montesinho Natural Park: general description and natural values
J Castro, T de Figueiredo, F Fonseca, JP Castro, S Nobre, LC Pires
Natural heritage from East to West: case studies from 6 EU countries, 119-132, 2010
A randomized trial of a swimming-based alternative treatment for children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
S Hattabi, P Forte, F Kukic, A Bouden, M Have, H Chtourou, A Sortwell
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (23), 16238, 2022
Dealing with the very small: first steps of a picohydro demonstration project in an university campus
V Leite, T Figueiredo, T Pinheiro, ÂP Ferreira, J Batista
Renewable Energy & Power Quality Journal, 683-685, 2012
The XXI century mountains: Sustainable management of mountainous areas based on animal traction
JB Rodrigues, P Schlechter, H Spychiger, R Spinelli, N Oliveira, ...
Open Agriculture 2 (1), 300-307, 2017
Edaphic characteristics of olive-tree areas in the Tras-os-Montes Region (Portugal): a map-based approach
T Figueiredo, A Almeida, JP Araújo
Acta Horticulturae, 151-154, 2002
Comparing effects of tillage treatments performed with animal traction on soil physical properties and soil electrical resistivity: preliminary experimental results
A García-Tomillo, T Figueiredo, A Almeida, J Rodrigues, ...
Open agriculture 2 (1), 317-328, 2017
Erosão dos solos em vinha de encosta na região do Douro, Portugal
T Figueiredo, AG Ferreira
Actas do XII Congresso Latinoamericano da Ciência do Solo, SECS (19–26 …, 1993
Natural heritage in Europe from east to west: case studies from 6 EU countries
N Evelpidou, T Figueiredo, F Mauro, V Tecim, A Vassilopoulos
Springer Verlag, 2010
Changes in soil profile hydraulic properties and porosity as affected by deep tillage soil preparation and Brachiaria grass intercropping in a recent coffee plantation on a …
RF da Silva, E da Costa Severiano, GC de Oliveira, SM Barbosa, ...
Soil and Tillage Research 213, 105127, 2021
Effects of machinery trafficking in an agricultural soil assessed by Electrical Resistivity Tomography (ERT)
A García-Tomillo, T Figueiredo, JD Dafonte, A Almeida, A Paz-González
Open Agriculture 3 (1), 378-385, 2018
Efeitos do fogo na erosão do solo em áreas de matos: resultados de um ano de ensaio no Parque Natural de Montesinho
T Figueiredo, F Fonseca, A Queirós
Universidade do Minho, 2013
Pedregosidade dos Solos em Trás-os-Montes: importância relativa e distribuição espacial
T Figueiredo
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Escola Superior Agrária, 2012
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Articles 1–20