Bekir Levent Mesci
Bekir Levent Mesci
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Crustal deformation and kinematics of the Eastern Part of the North Anatolian Fault Zone (Turkey) from GPS measurements
O Tatar, F Poyraz, H Gürsoy, Z Cakir, S Ergintav, Z Akpınar, F Koçbulut, ...
Tectonophysics 518, 55-62, 2012
The evolution of travertine masses in the Sivas area (central Turkey) and their relationships to active tectonics
L MESCİ, H Gürsoy, O Tatar
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 17 (2), 219-240, 2008
Palaeomagnetic study of the Karaman and Karapinar volcanic complexes, central Turkey: neotectonic rotation in the south-central sector of the Anatolian Block
H Gursoy, JDA Piper, O Tatar, L Mesci
Tectonophysics 299 (1-3), 191-211, 1998
Distributed neotectonic deformation in the Anatolides of Turkey: a palaeomagnetic analysis
JDA Piper, H Gürsoy, O Tatar, ME Beck, A Rao, F Kocbulut, BL Mesci
Tectonophysics 488 (1-4), 31-50, 2010
Palaeomagnetic study of the Kepezdağ and Yamadağ volcanic complexes, central Turkey: Neogene tectonic escape and block definition in the central-east Anatolides
H Gürsoy, O Tatar, JDA Piper, F Koçbulut, Z Akpınar, B Huang, ...
Journal of Geodynamics 51 (5), 308-326, 2011
Palaeomagnetic study of Tertiary volcanic domains in Southern Turkey and Neogene anticlockwise rotation of the Arabian Plate
H Gürsoy, O Tatar, JDA Piper, A Heimann, F Kocbulut, BL Mesci
Tectonophysics 465 (1-4), 114-127, 2009
Paleomagnetic analysis of neotectonic deformation in the Anatolian accretionary collage, Turkey
JDA Piper, O Tatar, H Gursoy, F Koçbulut, BL Mesci
Intracontinental Quaternary volcanism in the Niksar pull-apart basin, North Anatolian fault zone, Turkey
O Tatar, S Yurtmen, H Temiz, H Guersoy, F Kocbulut, BL Mesci, ...
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 16 (4), 417-440, 2007
Palaeomagnetic and rock magnetic properties of travertine: its potential as a recorder of geomagnetic palaeosecular variation, environmental change and earthquake activity in …
JDA Piper, LB Mesci, H Gürsoy, O Tatar, CJ Davies
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 161 (1-2), 50-73, 2007
New observations on the 1939 Erzincan Earthquake surface rupture on the Kelkit Valley segment of the North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
H Gürsoy, O Tatar, Z Akpınar, A Polat, L Mesci, D Tunçer
Journal of Geodynamics 65, 259-271, 2013
Neotectonic deformation linking the east Anatolian and Karataş‐Osmaniye intracontinental transform fault zones in the Gulf of İskenderun, southern Turkey, deduced from …
H Gürsoy, O Tatar, JDA Piper, A Heimann, L Mesci
Tectonics 22 (6), 2003
Palaeomagnetic evidence for the neotectonic evolution of the Erzincan Basin, North Anatolian Fault Zone, Turkey
O Tatar, Z Akpınar, H Gürsoy, JDA Piper, F Kocbulut, BL Mesci, A Polat, ...
Journal of geodynamics 65, 244-258, 2013
The efficacy of travertine as a palaeoenvironmental indicator: palaeomagnetic study of neotectonic examples from Denizli, Turkey
BL Mesci, O Tatar, JDA Piper, H GÜRSOY, E Altunel, S Crowley
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 22 (2), 191-203, 2013
Active tectonics of the Ortaköy fissure-ridge-type travertines: implications for the Quaternary stress state of the neotectonic structures of the Central Anatolia, Turkey
BL Mesci
Geodinamica acta 25 (1-2), 12-25, 2012
Determination of neotectonic features of the Karasu Basin (SE Turkey) and their relationship with Quaternary volcanic activity using Landsat ETM+ imagery
K Sevki Kavak, O Tatar, J Piper, F Kocbulut, B Levent Mesci
International Journal of Remote Sensing 30 (17), 4507-4524, 2009
Post-collisional deformation of the Anatolides and motion of the Arabian indenter: A paleomagnetic analysis
J Piper, O Tatar, H Gursoy, BL Mesci, F Kocbulut, B Huang
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 2 (1), 012011, 2008
Sıcak Çermik ve Yakın Yöresindeki (Sivas) Travertenlerin Gelişimi ve Aktif Tektonikle İlişkisi
BL Mesci
Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2004
Kuzey Anadolu Fay Zonu-1942 Erbaa-Niksar Depremi Yüzey Kırığı: Yeni Gözlemler
O Tatar, KS Kavak, A Polat, H Gürsoy, F Koçbulut, TF Sezen, BL Mesci, ...
ATAG10-Aktif Tektonik Araştırma Grubu 10, 2006
Özgün niteliklere sahip travertenler ve önemleri: Sivas yöresi travertenlerinden örnekler
BL Mesci
Türkiye Jeoloji Bülteni 56 (1), 23-38, 2013
Neotectonic deformation in the Gulf of Iskenderun, Southern Turkey, deduced from paleomagnetic study of the Ceyhan-Osmaniye Volcanics
H Gürsoy, O Tatar, JDA Piper, A Heimann, L Mesci
Tectonics 22 (6), 1-11, 2003
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