Halil Ersin Söken
Cited by
Cited by
Robust adaptive Kalman filter for estimation of UAV dynamics in the presence of sensor/actuator faults
C Hajiyev, HE Soken
Aerospace Science and Technology 28 (1), 376-383, 2013
Pico satellite attitude estimation via robust unscented Kalman filter in the presence of measurement faults
HE Soken, C Hajiyev
ISA transactions 49 (3), 249-256, 2010
Robust adaptive unscented Kalman filter for attitude estimation of pico satellites
C Hajiyev, HE Soken
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 28 (2), 107-120, 2014
Robust Kalman filtering for small satellite attitude estimation in the presence of measurement faults
HE Soken, C Hajiyev, S Sakai
European Journal of Control 20 (2), 64-72, 2014
UKF-based reconfigurable attitude parameters estimation and magnetometer calibration
HE Soken, C Hajiyev
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (3), 2614-2627, 2012
Robust estimation of UAV dynamics in the presence of measurement faults
C Hajiyev, HE Soken
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 25 (1), 80-89, 2012
State estimation and control for low-cost unmanned aerial vehicles
C Hajiyev, HE Soken, SY Vural
Springer International Publishing, 2015
Adaptive fading UKF with Q-adaptation: application to picosatellite attitude estimation
HE Soken, C Hajiyev
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 26 (3), 628-636, 2013
Adaptive unscented Kalman filter with multiple fading factors for pico satellite attitude estimation
HE Soken, C Hajiyev
2009 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2009
Attitude estimation and magnetometer calibration using reconfigurable TRIAD+ filtering approach
HE Soken, S Sakai
Aerospace Science and Technology 99, 105754, 2020
A survey of calibration algorithms for small satellite magnetometers
HE Soken
Measurement 122, 417-423, 2018
Fault tolerant attitude estimation for small satellites
C Hajiyev, HE Soken
CRC Press, 2020
Robust attitude estimation using IMU-only measurements
B Candan, HE Soken
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 70, 1-9, 2021
Nanosatellite attitude estimation from vector measurements using SVD-aided UKF algorithm
D Cilden, HE Soken, C Hajiyev
Metrology and Measurement Systems, 2017
Real-time attitude-independent magnetometer bias estimation for spinning spacecraft
HE Söken, S Sakai
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 41 (1), 276-279, 2018
In-orbit estimation of time-varying residual magnetic moment
HE Soken, S Sakai, R Wisniewski
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 50 (4), 3126-3136, 2014
Adaptive tuning of the unscented Kalman filter for satellite attitude estimation
HE Soken, S Sakai
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 28 (3), 04014088, 2015
Attitude and attitude rate estimation for a nanosatellite using SVD and UKF
D Cilden, C Hajiyev, HE Soken
2015 7th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space Technologies …, 2015
UKF based in‐flight calibration of magnetometers and rate gyros for pico satellite attitude determination
HE Söken, C Hajiyev
Asian Journal of Control 14 (3), 707-715, 2012
In flight magnetometer calibration via unscented Kalman filter
HE Soken, C Hajiyev
Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Space …, 2011
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Articles 1–20