Philippe Sainsot
Philippe Sainsot
LaMCoS - INSA Lyon
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Contribution of gear body to tooth deflections—a new bidimensional analytical formula
P Sainsot And, P Velex, O Duverger
J. Mech. Des. 126 (4), 748-752, 2004
Meeting the contact-mechanics challenge
MH Müser, WB Dapp, R Bugnicourt, P Sainsot, N Lesaffre, TA Lubrecht, ...
Tribology Letters 65, 1-18, 2017
An analytical study of tooth friction excitations in errorless spur and helical gears
P Velex, P Sainsot
Mechanism and machine theory 37 (7), 641-658, 2002
Experimental and numerical investigations on the air-pumping phenomenon in high-speed spur and helical gears
Y Diab, F Ville, H Houjoh, P Sainsot, P Velex
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2005
Real versus synthesized fractal surfaces: Contact mechanics and transport properties
C Vallet, D Lasseux, P Sainsot, H Zahouani
Tribology International 42 (2), 250-259, 2009
A numerical model for elastoplastic rough contact
P Sainsot, C Jacq, D Nelias
Virtual Tribology Symposium at 6th National Congress of Computational Mechanics, 2001
Combining ageing and wear to assess the durability of zirconia-based ceramic heads for total hip arthroplasty
L Gremillard, L Martin, L Zych, E Crosnier, J Chevalier, A Charbouillot, ...
Acta biomaterialia 9 (7), 7545-7555, 2013
Analytical investigations on the mesh stiffness function of solid spur and helical gears
X Gu, P Velex, P Sainsot, J Bruyère
Journal of mechanical design 137 (6), 063301, 2015
Efficient solution of the dry contact of rough surfaces: a comparison of fast Fourier transform and multigrid methods
P Sainsot, AA Lubrecht
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2011
Power loss of gearbox ball bearing under axial and radial loads©
D Nelias, P Sainsot, L Flamand
Tribology transactions 37 (1), 83-90, 1994
Paper VI (i) Effect of surface coatings in a rough normally loaded contact
P Sainsot, JM Leroy, B Villechaise
Tribology Series 17, 151-156, 1990
An integrated approach to characterize liquid leakage through metal contact seal
C Marie, D Lasseux, H Zahouani, P Sainsot
European journal of mechanical and environmental engineering 48 (2), 81-86, 2003
Xenon migration in UO2 under irradiation studied by SIMS profilometry
B Marchand, N Moncoffre, Y Pipon, N Bérerd, C Garnier, L Raimbault, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 440 (1-3), 562-567, 2013
A numerical elastoplastic model for rough contact
C Mayeur, P Sainsot, L Flamand
Sampling effect on contact and transport properties between fractal surfaces
C Vallet, D Lasseux, H Zahouani, P Sainsot
Tribology International 42 (8), 1132-1145, 2009
On contact deflection and stiffness in spur and helical gears
P Sainsot, P Velex
Mechanism and Machine Theory 154, 104049, 2020
Piston ring load carrying capacity: influence of cross-hatching parameters
H Bouassida, N Biboulet, P Sainsot, AA Lubrecht
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2014
Transient frictionless contact of a rough rigid surface on a viscoelastic half-space
R Bugnicourt, P Sainsot, N Lesaffre, AA Lubrecht
Tribology International 113, 279-285, 2017
Effect of sinusoidal surface roughness under starved conditions on rolling contact fatigue
A Labiau, F Ville, P Sainsot, E Querlioz, T Lubrecht
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J: Journal of …, 2008
Analyse du contact entre dentures d'engrenages cylindriques de reducteurs.
P Sainsot
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Articles 1–20