Özgür Karaoğlu
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Volcanostratigraphy and petrogenesis of the Nemrut stratovolcano (East Anatolian High Plateau): the most recent post-collisional volcanism in Turkey
Y Özdemir, Ö Karaoğlu, AÜ Tolluoğlu, N Güleç
Chemical geology 226 (3-4), 189-211, 2006
Stratigraphy of the volcanic products around Nemrut Caldera: implications for reconstruction of the caldera formation
Ö Karaoğlu, Y Özdemir, AÜ Tolluoğlu, M Karabıyıkoğlu, O Köse, JL Froger
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences (Turkish J. Earth Sci.) 14, 123-143, 2005
Petrogenesis and 40Ar/39Ar geochronology of the volcanic rocks of the Uşak-Güre basin, western Türkiye
Ö Karaoğlu, C Helvacı, Y Ersoy
Lithos 119 (3), 193-210, 2010
Petrogenesis of the Miocene volcanism along the İzmir-Balıkesir Transfer Zone in western Anatolia, Turkey: Implications for origin and evolution of potassic volcanism in post …
YE Ersoy, C Helvacı, İ Uysal, Ö Karaoğlu, MR Palmer, F Dindi
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 241, 21-38, 2012
Isotopic Evidences to the Transition from Subduction to Slab Tearing-related Volcanism: the case of Western Anatolia, Turkey
Ö Karaoğlu, C Helvacı
Lithos, 226-239, 2014
Transition from compression to strike-slip tectonics revealed by Miocene–Pleistocene volcanism west of the Karlıova triple junction (East Anatolia)
P Di Giuseppe, S Agostini, M Lustrino, Ö Karaoğlu, MY Savaşçın, ...
Journal of Petrology 58 (10), 2055-2087, 2017
Tectonic controls on the Karlıova triple junction (Turkey): Implications for tectonic inversion and the initiation of volcanism
Ö Karaoğlu, AS Selçuk, A Gudmundsson
Tectonophysics 694, 368-384, 2017
Structural evolution of the Uşak–Güre supra-detachment basin during Miocene extensional denudation in western Turkey
Ö Karaoğlu, C Helvaci
Journal of the Geological Society 169 (5), 627-642, 2012
Numerical modelling of triple-junction tectonics at Karlıova, Eastern Turkey, with implications for regional magma transport
Ö Karaoğlu, J Browning, M Bazargan, A Gudmundsson
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 452, 157-170, 2016
Petrological evolution of Karlıova-Varto volcanism (Eastern Turkey): Magma genesis in a transtensional triple-junction tectonic setting
Ö Karaoğlu, F Gülmez, G Göçmengil, M Lustrino, P Di Giuseppe, ...
Lithos 364, 105524, 2020
Tectonic controls on the Yamanlar volcano and Yuntdağı volcanic region, western Turkey: Implications for an incremental deformation
Ö Karaoğlu
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 274, 16-33, 2014
Growth, destruction and volcanic facies architecture of three volcanic centres in the Miocene Uşak–Güre basin, western Turkey: subaqueous–subaerial volcanism in a lacustrine …
Ö Karaoğlu, C Helvacı
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 245, 1-20, 2012
Neogene volcanism in Elazığ-Tunceli area (eastern Anatolia): geochronological and petrological constraints
S Agostini, M Yilmaz Savaşçin, P Di Giuseppe, F Di Stefano, Ö Karaoğlu, ...
Italian Journal of Geosciences 138 (3), 435-455, 2019
Soma Havzası ve çevresindeki Miyosen volkanizmasının petrografik ve jeokimyasal özellikleri, Batı Anadolu, Türkiye
EY Ersoy, F Dindi, Ö Karaoğlu, C Helvacı
Yerbilimleri 33 (1), 141-168, 2012
Thermal fluid circulation around the Karliova triple junction: Geochemical features and volcano-tectonic implications (Eastern Turkey)
Ö Karaoğlu, M Bazargan, A Baba, J Browning
Geothermics 81, 168-184, 2019
Stress fields around magma chambers influenced by elastic thermo-mechanical deformation: implications for forecasting chamber failure
J Browning, Ö Karaoğlu, Ö Bayer, MB Turgay, V Acocella
Bulletin of Volcanology 83, 1-13, 2021
Depths of magma chambers at three volcanic provinces in the Karlıova region of Eastern Turkey
Ö Karaoğlu, J Browning, MK Salah, A Elshaafi, A Gudmundsson
Complex seismic anisotropy and mantle dynamics beneath Turkey
AA Lemnifi, A Elshaafi, Ö Karaoğlu, MK Salah, N Aouad, CA Reed, Y Yu
Journal of Geodynamics 112, 31-45, 2017
Volcanotectonics: the tectonics and physics of volcanoes and their eruption mechanics
A Gudmundsson, K Drymoni, J Browning, V Acocella, F Amelung, ...
Bulletin of Volcanology 84 (8), 72, 2022
Large-volume lava flows fed by a deep magmatic reservoir at Ağrı Dağı (Ararat) volcano, Eastern Turkey
Ö Karaoğlu, A Elshaafi, MK Salah, J Browning, A Gudmundsson
Bulletin of Volcanology 79, 1-16, 2017
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Articles 1–20