Brian R. Barber
Cited by
Cited by
A comparison of three types of opportunities to respond on student academic and social behaviors
T Haydon, MA Conroy, TM Scott, PT Sindelar, BR Barber, AM Orlando
Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders 18 (1), 27-40, 2010
Juvenile correctional schools: Characteristics and approaches to curriculum
JC Gagnon, BR Barber, C Van Loan, PE Leone
Education and Treatment of Children 32 (4), 673-696, 2009
A commentary on the misalignment of teacher education and the need for classroom behavior management skills
NA Stevenson, J VanLone, BR Barber
Education & Treatment of Children 43 (4), 393-404, 2020
Characteristics of and services provided to youth in secure care facilities
JC Gagnon, BR Barber
Behavioral Disorders 36 (1), 7-19, 2010
Reducing developmental risk for emotional/behavioral problems: A randomized controlled trial examining the Tools for Getting Along curriculum
AP Daunic, SW Smith, CW Garvan, BR Barber, MK Becker, CD Peters, ...
Journal of School Psychology 50 (2), 149-166, 2012
State-level analysis of school punitive discipline practices in Florida
JC Gagnon, S Gurel, BR Barber
Behavioral Disorders 42 (2), 65-80, 2017
Positive behavior interventions and supports implementation in secure care juvenile justice schools: Results of a national survey of school administrators
JC Gagnon, BR Barber, I Soyturk
Behavioral Disorders 44 (1), 3-19, 2018
Preventing risk for significant behavior problems through a cognitive-behavioral intervention: Effects of the Tools for Getting Along curriculum at one-year follow-up
SW Smith, AP Daunic, BR Barber, B Aydin, CL Van Loan, GG Taylor
The Journal of Primary Prevention 35 (5), 371-387, 2014
Research-based academic and behavioral practices in alternative education settings: Best evidence, challenges, and recommendations
JC Gagnon, BR Barber
Transition of Youth and Young Adults 28, 225-271, 2015
Feasibility in education research
JC Gagnon, BR Barber
The SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation, 2018
Access to qualified, well-supported principals across alternative educational settings and neighborhood schools
E Bettini, L Mason-Williams, BR Barber
The Journal of Special Education 53 (4), 195-205, 2020
Instructional practice guide for teaching reading and mathematics in juvenile correctional schools
JC Gagnon, BR Barber
Journal of Correctional Education 65 (3), 5-23, 2014
Empowering school staff to implement effective school mental health services
L Kern, MD Weist, SR Mathur, BR Barber
Behavioral Disorders 47 (3), 207-219, 2022
Policies and practices supporting Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) implementation in high-poverty Florida middle schools
JC Gagnon, BR Barber, I Soyturk
Exceptionality 28 (1), 176-194, 2020
Effect of Tools for Getting Along on student risk for emotional and behavioral problems in upper elementary classrooms: A replication study
SW Smith, AP Daunic, B Aydin, CLV Loan, BR Barber, GG Taylor
School Psychology Review 45 (1), 73-92, 2016
Secondary psychiatric schools: Characteristics and approaches to curriculum
JC Gagnon, CL Van Loan, BR Barber
Preventing School Failure: Alternative Education for Children and Youth 55 …, 2011
Special education today in the United States of America
JM Kauffman, SE Hirsch, J Badar, AL Wiley, BR Barber
Advances in Special Education 27, 3-31, 2014
Lowering risk for significant behavior problems through cognitive-behavioral intervention: Effects of the Tools for Getting Along curriculum 2 years following implementation
AP Daunic, SW Smith, B Aydin, BR Barber
Journal of Primary Prevention 40 (4), 463-482, 2019
Preventing incarceration through special education and mental health collaboration for students with emotional and behavioral disorders
JC Gagnon, BR Barber
Justice for Kids, 82-106, 2011
CCBD’s position on eliminating the use of seclusion in educational settings
J Freeman, R Peterson, L Kern, SR Mathur, BR Barber, M Power, M Perea
Behavioral Disorders 48 (2), 134-144, 2023
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