Diane Sunar
Diane Sunar
Emeritus Professor of Psychology, Istanbul Bilgi University
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Long-term effects of early intervention: Turkish low-income mothers and children
C Kagitcibasi, D Sunar, S Bekman
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 22 (4), 333-361, 2001
Contemporary turkish families
D Sunar, G Fisek
Families in global perspective 169, 183, 2005
Functional relationships in the nuclear and extended family: A 16‐culture study
J Georgas, K Mylonas, T Bafiti, YH Poortinga, S Christakopoulou, ...
International Journal of Psychology 36 (5), 289-300, 2001
Change and continuity in the Turkish middle class family
D Sunar
Autonomy and dependence in family: Turkey and Sweden in critical perspective …, 2002
Continuing effects of early enrichment in adult life: The Turkish Early Enrichment Project 22 years later
C Kagitcibasi, D Sunar, S Bekman, N Baydar, Z Cemalcilar
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 30 (6), 764-779, 2009
Family and socialization in Turkey
D Sunar
Annual advances in applied developmental psychology 5, 75-88, 1992
Learned helplessness, therapy, and personality traits: An experimental study
Z Cemalcilar, R Canbeyli, D Sunar
The Journal of social psychology 143 (1), 65-81, 2003
Continuity and change in Turkish urban family life
B Ataca, D Sunar
Psychology and Developing Societies 11 (1), 77-90, 1999
Sex roles, family, & community in Turkey
Ç Kağıtçıbaşı, D Sunar
(No Title), 1982
Female stereotypes in the United States and Turkey: An application of functional theory to perception in power relationships
DG Sunar
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 13 (4), 445-460, 1982
Comprehensive preschool education project: Final report
C Kagitcibasi, D Sunar, S Bekman
Bogazici University, International Development Research Centre, Istanbul, Turkey, 1988
Sex roles, family and community in Turkey
C Kâǧitcibasi
Indiana University, 1982
Continuing effects of early enrichment in adult life: The Turkish Early Enrichment Project 22 years later
Ç Kağıtçıbaşı, D Sunar, S Bekman, N Baydar, Z Cemalcılar
Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology 30 (6), 764-779, 2009
An investigation of moral foundations theory in Turkey using different measures
B Yalçındağ, T Özkan, S Cesur, O Yilmaz, B Tepe, ZE Piyale, AF Biten, ...
Current Psychology 38, 440-457, 2019
Familie und Sozialisation in der Türkei
C Kagitcibasi, D Sunar
Familien in verschiedenen Kulturen, 145-161, 1997
Başarı ailede başlar: Çok amaçlı bir eğitim modeli
Ç Kağıtçıbaşı, S Bekman, D Sunar
Ya-Pa, 1993
Mothers’ and fathers’ child-rearing practices and self-esteem in three generations of urban Turkish families
D Sunar
Perspectives on human development, family and culture, 126-139, 2009
Is an emphasis on dignity, honor and face more an attribute of individuals or of cultural groups?
PB Smith, MJ Easterbrook, Y Koc, VMC Lun, D Papastylianou, ...
Cross-Cultural Research 55 (2-3), 95-126, 2021
Erken müdahalenin erişkinlikte süren etkileri: Erken destek projesinin ikinci takip araştırmasının ön bulguları
Ç Kağıtçıbaşı, D Sunar, S Bekman, Z Cemalcılar
İstanbul: AÇEV Yayınları, 2005
War exposure, attachment style, and moral reasoning
M Haskuka, D Sunar, IE Alp
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 39 (4), 381-401, 2008
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Articles 1–20