İsmail Akdulum
İsmail Akdulum
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Shear Wave Elastography Evaluation of Meniscus Degeneration with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Correlation
E Gurun, I Akdulum, M Akyuz, N Tokgoz, SO Oktar
Academic Radiology 28, 2021
Cochlear implantation in inner ear malformations: considerations related to surgical complications and communication skills
R Karamert, H Tutar, Ş Altinyay, M Düzlü, M Yildiz, İ Akdulum, MB Uğur, ...
ORL 84 (3), 211-218, 2022
Measuring stiffness of normal medial collateral ligament in healthy volunteers via shear wave elastography
E Gürün, M Aksakal, İ Akdulum
Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy 43 (10), 1-7, 2021
Factors on patency periods of subcutaneous central venous port: long-term results of 1,408 patients
BK Aribas, T Uylar, MY Aksoy, I Turker, F Yildiz, R Tiken, I Akdulum
Cancer Imaging 15 (Suppl 1), P27, 2015
Shear wave elastography evaluation of brachial plexus in multiple sclerosis
E Gürün, İ Akdulum, M Akyüz, SÖ Oktar
Acta Radiologica 63 (4), 02841851211002828, 2022
Chronic non-bacterial osteomyelitis coexistent with familial Mediterranean fever.
D Gezgin Yıldırım, B Demirdağ, İ Akdulum, G Yılmaz, S Bakkaloğlu
Clinical and experimental rheumatology 36 (6 Suppl 115), 150-150, 2018
Optic Canal Diameters According to Age in the Pediatric Population
İ Akdulum, E Gürün, R Tiken, AB Aydemir, ÖL Boyunaga
Journal of Pediatric Ophthalmology & Strabismus 58 (5), 319-323, 2021
Factors on patency periods of subcutaneous central venous Port: long-term results of 1,408 patients
B Aribas, R Tiken, O Aribas, T Uylar, I Akdulum, I Turker, M Aksoy, T Seber, ...
Iranian Journal of Radiology 14 (2), 2017
Thoracic air leak syndrome, pulmonary aspergillosis, and COVID-19 pneumonia after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in a child with myelodysplastic syndrome
T Sever, Z Kaya, S Kirkiz, A Celik, I Akdulum, TR Gürsoy, AT Aslan, ...
Journal of pediatric hematology/oncology 44 (2), e474-e478, 2022
Revealing the dilemma in COVID-19 pneumonia: use of the prone thorax CT imaging in differentiation of opacificities due to dependant zone and pneumonic consolidation.
E Gürün, İ Akdulum, M Akyüz
Anatolian Current Medical Journal 3 (1), 78-80, 2021
Evaluation of schwannoma using the 3D-SPACE sequence: comparison with the 3D-CISS sequence in 3T-MRI.
E Gürün, PK İ Akdulum, N Tokgöz, M Uçar
Turkish Journal of Medical Sciences, 2021
The change in the renal pelvis anterior-posterior diameter between prevoiding and postvoiding status, and its correlation with vesicoureteral reflux
I Akdulum, M Akyüz, E Gürün, M Öztürk, Y Tabel, A Siğirci
Ultrasound Quarterly 36 (4), 371-374, 2020
Analysis of magnetic resonance imaging findings of children with neurologic complications after liver transplantation
M Öztürk, İ Akdulum, N Dağ, A Sığırcı, S Güngör, S Yılmaz
La radiologia medica 122, 617-622, 2017
Radiation dose reports and determinants of image quality during ECG-triggered Cardiac Computed Tomography Angiography in children
İ Akdulum, E Gürün, GD Günaydın, R Beyoğlu, ÖL Boyunağa
Annals of Medical Research 28 (4), 700-703, 2021
Obstructive jaundice and severe pancreatitis due to the foramen of Winslow hernia with multiple anomalies
NE Bozbulut, İ Akdulum, S Sarı, İO Özen, YH Çavuşoğlu, Ö Boyunağa, ...
The Turkish Journal of Pediatrics 62 (1), 152-155, 2020
Squamous cell carcinoma of the lacrimal sac: a case and literature review
D Rahmi, B Ceyda, B Mehmet, Ö Sibel, A Ismail
Ophthalmology Research: An International Journal 2 (6), 431-439, 2014
A Classification for Gastric Outlet Obstruction in Childhood: Extending Beyond Infantile Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
ÖE Gürkan, H Öztürk, C Kaya, NG Kaya, NE Bozbulut, A Can, K Ceylan, ...
The Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology 35 (3), 255, 2024
The effect of chemotherapy type and timing among the other factors on patency of totally implantable vascular access devices in colorectal carcinoma
BK Aribas, F Yildiz, T Uylar, R Tiken, H Aydin, I Akdulum, T Seber, ...
The Journal of Vascular Access 24 (5), 933-941, 2023
Measurement of 0 to 2 age normal eyeball volume by the use of multidetector computed tomography
K Mustafa, E Gürün, İ Akdulum
Journal of Health Sciences and Medicine 5 (3), 826-830, 2022
CT angiography and Doppler ultrasound evaluation of congenital portosystemic shunts
İ Akdulum, M Akyüz, E Gürün, M Öztürk, A SIĞIRCI, Ö BOYUNAĞA
Acta Medica Alanya 6 (1), 9-14, 2022
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Articles 1–20