Gökhan GELEN
Gökhan GELEN
Bursa Teknik Üniversitesi
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Cited by
A divide-and-conquer-method for the synthesis of liveness enforcing supervisors for flexible manufacturing systems
M Uzam, ZW Li, G Gelen, RS Zakariyya
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing 27, 1111-1129, 2016
Think-globally-act-locally approach with weighted arcs to the synthesis of a liveness-enforcing supervisor for generalized Petri nets modeling FMSs
M Uzam, G Gelen, TL Saleh
Information Sciences 363, 235-260, 2016
The synthesis and PLC implementation of hybrid modular supervisors for real time control of an experimental manufacturing system
G Gelen, M Uzam
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 33 (4), 535-550, 2014
The real-time supervisory control of an experimental manufacturing system based on a hybrid method
M Uzam, G Gelen
Control Engineering Practice 17 (10), 1174-1189, 2009
A new approach for the ladder logic implementation of Ramadge-Wonham supervisors
M Uzam, G Gelen, R Dalci
2009 XXII International Symposium on Information, Communication and …, 2009
Asynchronous implementation of discrete event controllers based on safe automation Petri nets
M Uzam, İB Koç, G Gelen, BH Aksebzeci
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 41 (5-6), 595-612, 2009
Enhancing performance of MLP/RBF neural classifiers via an multivariate data distribution scheme
H Altun, G Gelen
International conference on computational intelligence (ICCI2004), Nicosia …, 2004
Wireless teleoperation of an industrial robot by using myo arm band
M Çoban, G Gelen
2018 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data Processing …, 2018
Görüntü İşlemeye Dayalı Tarımsal Ürün Sınıflandırma
E Bul, G Gelen, H Altun
The computation of liveness enforcing supervisors from submodels of a Petri net model of FMSs
M Uzam, RS Zakariyya, ZW Li, G Gelen
2013 IEEE International Conference of IEEE Region 10 (TENCON 2013), 1-4, 2013
Novel analysis of Petri-net-based controllers by means of TCT implementation tool of supervisory control theory
G Gelen, M Uzam
Realization of human-robot collaboration in hybrid assembly systems by using wearable technology
M Çoban, G Gelen
2018 6th International Conference on Control Engineering & Information …, 2018
Timed transition automata and their ladder logic implementation
M Uzam, G Gelen, R Dalci
2009 XXII International Symposium on Information, Communication and …, 2009
Asynchronous implementation of a Petri net based discrete event control system using a Xilinx FPGA
M Uzam, B Koç, G Gelen, BH Aksebzeci
Proceedings of the 35th Inter. Conf. on computers and industrial engineering …, 2005
Reliability Analysis of Assembly Processes Performed by Human-Robot Interaction
M Çoban, ÖT Kaymakçı, G Gelen
2019 3rd International Symposium on Multidisciplinary Studies and Innovative …, 2019
‘Computation of the number of legal states for Petri net-based deadlock prevention problems
G Gelen, M Uzam
Sigma J. Eng. Natural Sci 41 (3), 493-502, 2023
The concept of postponed event in timed discrete event systems and its PLC implementation
G Gelen, M Uzam, R Dalci
2010 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, 2753-2759, 2010
Mikrodenetleyici ve X-10 Temelli Akıllı Ev Tasarımı
F Yalçınkaya, G Gelen, F Yıkan
Akıllı Sistemlerde Yenilikler ve Uygulamaları Sempozyumu, ASYU-INISTA, 2004
A new method for the redundancy analysis of Petri net-based liveness enforcing supervisors
G Gelen, M Uzam, ZW Li
Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 39 (5), 763-780, 2017
İnsan-robot etkileşiminin biyomimetik yaklaşımla sağlanması.
G Gelen, S Özcan
Pamukkale University Journal of Engineering Sciences 25 (2), 2019
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Articles 1–20