Thiago Barcelos
Cited by
Cited by
Mathematics Learning through Computational Thinking Activities: A Systematic Literature Review.
TS Barcelos, R Muñoz-Soto, R Villarroel, E Merino, IF Silveira
J. Univers. Comput. Sci. 24 (7), 815-845, 2018
Pensamento Computacional e Educação Matemática: relações para o ensino de Computação na Educação Básica
T Barcelos, I Silveira
Anais do XXXII Congresso da Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, 2012
Teaching computational thinking in initial series an analysis of the confluence among mathematics and computer sciences in elementary education and its implications for higher …
TS Barcelos, IF Silveira
2012 XXXVIII Conferencia Latinoamericana En Informatica (CLEI), 1-8, 2012
Development of software that supports the improvement of the empathy in children with autism spectrum disorder
R Muñoz, T Barcelos, R Noël, S Kreisel
2012 31st International Conference of the Chilean Computer Science Society …, 2012
Using multimodal learning analytics to study collaboration on discussion groups: A social network approach
F Riquelme, R Munoz, R Mac Lean, R Villarroel, TS Barcelos, ...
Universal Access in the Information Society 18, 633-643, 2019
Relações entre o pensamento computacional e a matemática: uma revisão sistemática da literatura
T Barcelos, R Muñoz, RV Acevedo, IF Silveira
Anais dos Workshops do Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação 4 (1 …, 2015
Developing computational thinking skills in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder through digital game programming
R Munoz, R Villarroel, TS Barcelos, F Riquelme, A Quezada, ...
IEEE Access 6, 63880-63889, 2018
Exploring collaborative writing of user stories with multimodal learning analytics: A case study on a software engineering course
R Noel, F Riquelme, R Mac Lean, E Merino, C Cechinel, TS Barcelos, ...
IEEE Access 6, 67783-67798, 2018
Using Black Hole Algorithm to Improve EEG‐Based Emotion Recognition
R Munoz, R Olivares, C Taramasco, R Villarroel, R Soto, TS Barcelos, ...
Computational intelligence and neuroscience 2018 (1), 3050214, 2018
Defining and Validating Virtual Worlds Usability Heuristics
R Muñoz, T Barcelos, V Chalegre
Proceedings of the XXX International Conference of the Chilean Computer …, 2011
Data mining framework to analyze the evolution of computational thinking skills in game building workshops
AA De Souza, TS Barcelos, R Munoz, R Villarroel, LA Silva
Ieee Access 7, 82848-82866, 2019
Relações entre o Pensamento Computacional e a Matemática em atividades didáticas de construção de jogos digitais
Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul, 2014
Anãlise comparativa de heurísticas para avaliação de jogos digitais
TS Barcelos, T Carvalho, J Schimiguel, IF Silveira
Proceedings of the 10th Brazilian Symposium on on Human Factors in Computing …, 2011
Development of a software that supports multimodal learning analytics: A case study on oral presentations
R Munoz, R Villarroel, TS Barcelos, A Souza, E Merino, R Guiñez, ...
Journal of Universal Computer Science 24 (2), 149-170, 2018
Uso de Scratch y Lego Mindstorms como apoyo a la docencia en Fundamentos de programación
R Muñoz, TS Barcelos, R Villarroel, M Barría, C Becerra, R Noel, ...
Actas de las XXI Jornadas de la Enseñanza Universitaria de la Informática …, 2015
Relações entre o Pensamento Computacional e a Matemática através da construção de Jogos Digitais
TS Barcelos
Consórcio Doutoral do SBGAMES 2013, 2013
RETRACTED ARTICLE: Simple hemogram to support the decision-making of COVID-19 diagnosis using clusters analysis with self-organizing maps neural network
AA Souza, DC Almeida, TS Barcelos, RC Bortoletto, R Munoz, ...
Soft Computing 27 (6), 3295-3306, 2023
Formação online para o desenvolvimento do Pensamento Computacional em professores de Matemática
T Barcelos, R Bortoletto, M Andrioli
Anais dos Workshops do Congresso Brasileiro de Informática na Educação 5 (1 …, 2016
Proyect@ matemáticas: A learning object for supporting the practitioners in autism spectrum disorders
R Munoz-Soto, C Becerra, R Noël, T Barcelos, R Villarroel, S Kreisel, ...
2016 XI Latin American Conference on Learning Objects and Technology (LACLO …, 2016
CT4All: Enhancing computational thinking skills in adolescents with autism spectrum disorders
R Munoz, TS Barcelos, R Villarroel
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (3), 909-917, 2018
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Articles 1–20