Baris Demir
Baris Demir
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Design rules for enhanced interfacial shear response in functionalized carbon fiber epoxy composites
B Demir, LC Henderson, TR Walsh
ACS applied materials & interfaces 9 (13), 11846-11857, 2017
Electrochemical surface modification of carbon fibres by grafting of amine, carboxylic and lipophilic amide groups
L Servinis, KM Beggs, C Scheffler, E Wölfel, JD Randall, TR Gengenbach, ...
Carbon 118, 393-403, 2017
Accelerating solar desalination in brine through ion activated hierarchically porous polyion complex hydrogels
F Zhu, L Wang, B Demir, M An, ZL Wu, J Yin, R Xiao, Q Zheng, J Qian
Materials Horizons 7, 3187-3195, 2020
A robust and reproducible procedure for cross-linking thermoset polymers using molecular simulation
B Demir, TR Walsh
Soft Matter 12, 2453-2464, 2016
Selectively tuning ionic thermopower in all-solid-state flexible polymer composites for thermal sensing
C Chi, M An, X Qi, Y Li, R Zhang, G Liu, C Lin, H Huang, H Dang, B Demir, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 221, 2022
Sc, Ge co-doping NASICON boosts solid-state sodium ion batteries' performance
L Ran, A Baktash, M Li, Y Yin, B Demir, T Lin, M Li, M Rana, I Gentle, ...
Energy Storage Materials 40, 282-291, 2021
Low‐fouling Fluoropolymers for Bioconjugation and In Vivo Tracking
C Fu, B Demir, S Alcantara, V Kumar, F Han, H Kelly, X Tan, Y Yu, W Xu, ...
Angewandte Chemie 59 (12), 4729-4735, 2020
Designing carbon fiber composite interfaces using a ‘graft-to’approach: Surface grafting density versus interphase penetration
JD Randall, DJ Eyckens, L Servinis, F Stojcevski, LA O'Dell, ...
Carbon 146, 88-96, 2019
Predictions of Thermo‐Mechanical Properties of Cross‐Linked Polyacrylamide Hydrogels Using Molecular Simulations
M An, B Demir, X Wan, H Meng, N Yang, TR Walsh
Advanced Theory and Simulations, 1800153, 2019
A predictive model of interfacial interactions between functionalised carbon fibre surfaces cross-linked with epoxy resin
B Demir, KM Beggs, BL Fox, L Servinis, LC Henderson, TR Walsh
Composites Science and Technology 159, 127-134, 2018
Synergistic interfacial effects of ionic liquids as sizing agents and surface modified carbon fibers
DJ Eyckens, L Servinis, C Scheffler, E Wölfel, B Demir, TR Walsh, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 6 (10), 4504-4514, 2018
An efficient high-throughput grafting procedure for enhancing carbon fiber-to-matrix interactions in composites
DJ Eyckens, F Stojcevski, A Hendlmeier, CL Arnold, JD Randall, ...
Chemical Engineering Journal 353, 373-380, 2018
Simultaneously increasing the hydrophobicity and interfacial adhesion of carbon fibres: a simple pathway to install passive functionality into composites
CL Arnold, DJ Eyckens, L Servinis, MD Nave, H Yin, RKW Marceau, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (22), 13483-13494, 2019
Using molecular entanglement as a strategy to enhance carbon fiber-epoxy composite interfaces
DJ Eyckens, B Demir, JD Randall, TR Gengenbach, L Servinis, TR Walsh, ...
Composites Science and Technology 196, 108225, 2020
Determination of Kamlet-Taft parameters for selected solvate ionic liquids.
DJ Eyckens, B Demir, T Walsh, T Welton, LC Henderson
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18, 13153-13157, 2016
Thermal conductivities and mechanical properties of epoxy resin as a function of the degree of cross-linking
X Wan, B Demir, M An, TR Walsh, N Yang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180, 121821, 2021
Boosting the electrical and mechanical properties of structural dielectric capacitor composites via gold nanoparticle doping
KY Chan, D Yang, B Demir, AP Mouritz, H Lin, B Jia, KT Lau
Composites Part B: Engineering 178, 107480, 2019
Silver–Sodium Ion Exchange Dynamics in LTA Zeolite Membranes
R Ekhteiari Salmas, B Demir, E Yıldırım, A Sirkecioğlu, M Yurtsever, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 117 (4), 1663-1671, 2013
Mass difference and polarization lead to low thermal conductivity of graphene-like carbon nitride (C3N)
M An, L Li, S Hu, Z Ding, X Yu, B Demir, N Yang, W Ma, X Zhang
Carbon 162, 202-208, 2020
Atomistic Modeling of the Formation of a Thermoset/Thermoplastic Interphase during Co-Curing
M Laurien, B Demir, H Büttemeyer, AS Herrmann, TR Walsh, LC Ciacchi
Macromolecules 51 (11), 3983-3993, 2018
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Articles 1–20