Cited by
Cited by
Effect of cement on emulsified asphalt mixtures
S Oruc, F Celik, MV Akpinar
Journal of materials engineering and performance 16, 578-583, 2007
Evaluation of SBS modified stone mastic asphalt pavement performance
CE Sengul, S Oruc, E Iskender, A Aksoy
Construction and Building Materials 41, 777-783, 2013
Neural network model for resilient modulus of emulsified asphalt mixtures
TS Ozsahin, S Oruc
Construction and Building Materials 22 (7), 1436-1445, 2008
Turkish historical arch bridges and their deteriorations and failures
A Ural, Ş Oruç, A Doğangün, Öİ Tuluk
Engineering Failure Analysis 15 (1-2), 43-53, 2008
Effect of activated carbon and furan resin on asphalt mixture performance
M Bostancioğlu, Ş Oruç
Road Materials and Pavement Design 17 (2), 512-525, 2016
Performance of cement modified dense graded cold-mix asphalt and establishing mathematical model
S Oruc, F Celik, A Aksoy
CSIR, 2006
Improvement in performance properties of asphalt using a novel boron-containing additive
Ş Oruç, B Yılmaz
Construction and Building Materials 123, 207-213, 2016
Effect of WCO addition on high and low-temperature performance of RET modified bitumen
A Kumandaş, E Çavdar, Ş Oruç, EB Pancar, BV Kök
Construction and Building Materials 323, 126561, 2022
Effect of furfural-derived thermoset furan resin on the high-temperature performance of bitumen
M Bostancioğlu, Ş Oruç
Road Materials and Pavement Design 16 (1), 227-237, 2015
Effect of boron-containing additives on rheological properties of asphalt binder
Ş Oruç, B Yılmaz, K Sancak
Road Materials and Pavement Design 17 (4), 810-824, 2016
Characterization and rheological behavior of asphalt binder modified by a novel cyclic borate ester additive
Ş Oruç, B Yılmaz, K Sancak
Construction and Building Materials 348, 128673, 2022
Torul kalker taşocağı agregalarının asfalt betonu içerisindeki performansının araştırılması
Ş Oruç
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 1997
The influence of SBS, viatop premium and FRP on the improvement of stone mastic asphalt performance
S Saedi, S Oruc
Fibers 8 (4), 20, 2020
The use of wax-based additives in bitumen modification: a systematic quantitative literature review
N Şahan, A Kumandaş, E Kabadayı, E Çavdar, Ş Oruç
Construction and Building Materials 407, 133423, 2023
Characterization and rheological properties of asphalt binder with a novel tall oil-based boron additive to enhance asphalt performance
H Yeşilçiçek, Ş Oruç, MG Bozdemir
Construction and Building Materials 359, 129510, 2022
Geri kazanılan asfalt kaplamaların sıcak asfalt karışımlarda yeniden kullanabilirliğinin araştırılması
Ş Oruç, B Yılmaz, MS Mazlum
Fırat Üniversitesi Mühendislik Bilimleri Dergisi 30 (1), 87-93, 2018
Effect of residual asphalt content on creep strain of cement modified emulsified asphalt mixtures
S Oruc, M Bostancioglu, B Yilmaz
J Civ Eng Urbanism 3 (3), 122-127, 2013
The effects of nano bentonite and fatty arbocel on improving the behavior of warm mixture asphalt against moisture damage and rutting
S Saedi, Ş ORUÇ
Civil Engineering Journal-Tehran 6 (5), 2020
Physical and microstructural properties of new boron resin compound synthesized asphalt
MG Bozdemir, S Oruc, H Yesilcicek
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 35 (2), 04022426, 2023
Yoğun granülometrili emülsifiye asfalt betonunda çimentonun karışım performansı üzerindeki etkisi
Ş Oruç
Doktora Tezi, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, Trabzon, 2002
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Articles 1–20