Coşkun Parim
Cited by
Cited by
Prediction of match outcomes with multivariate statistical methods for the group stage in the UEFA Champions League
C Parim, MŞ Güneş, AH Büyüklü, D Yıldız
Journal of Human Kinetics, 197-209, 2021
Comparing the performance of basketball players with decision trees and TOPSIS
E Cene, C Parim, B Özkan
International Journal of Data Science and Applications 1 (1), 21-28, 2018
Within-week differences in external training load demands in elite volleyball players
Z Akyildiz, H de Oliveira Castro, E Çene, L Laporta, C Parim, E Altundag, ...
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 14 (1), 188, 2022
Classified metabolic power-based measures in professional football players: comparison between playing positions and match period
Z Akyildiz, E Çene, C Parim, O Çetin, Ç Turan, Y Yüksel, R Silva, AF Silva, ...
BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation 14 (1), 146, 2022
Predicting Monthly Streamflow Using a Hybrid Wavelet Neural Network: Case Study of the Çoruh River Basin
MŞ Güneş, C Parim, D Yıldız, AH Büyüklü
Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2021
Ülkelerin Gelişmişlik Düzeylerinin Karar Ağacı ve Rastgele Orman Yöntemleriyle Tahmin Edilmesi
B Özkan, C Parim, E Çene
EKOIST Journal of Econometrics and Statistics, 87-104, 2023
Mechanical performance improvement of super absorbent polymer-modified concrete
H Dilbas, F Birdal, C Parim, MŞ Güneş
MethodsX 10, 102151, 2023
Clustering of Countries by the Factors Affecting Levels of Development and It’s Comparison by Years
C Parim, B Özkan, E Çene
International Journal of Data Science and Applications 2 (1), 4-7, 2019
İstanbul’daki Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Memnuniyet Düzeylerinin Çok Değişkenli İstatistiksel Yöntemler ve Karar Ağacıyla İncelenmesi
B Özkan, E Çene, C Parim
International Conference on Data Science and Applications, 489-505, 2018
Comparison of external load measures per minute based on match seasonal periods and playing positions of a soccer Turkish super league team
Z Akyildiz, Y Yüksel, Y Birgonül, Hİ Ceylan, R Oliveira, E Çene, C Parim, ...
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 24 (1), 656, 2023
Locomotor Demands in Professional Male Football Players: Differences and Variability According to Halves and Playing Positions
Z Akyildiz, Y Yüksel, E Çene, C Parim, R Silva, A Isik, M Yildiz, A Silva, ...
Journal of Mens Health 18 (7), 2022
Applying the Hierarchical Gray Relational Clustering Method to Municipal Water Use in Turkey
MŞ Güneş, C Parim, D Yıldız, AH Büyüklü
Teknik Dergi 33 (2), 2022
Türkiyedeki dolar kuru volatilitesinin modellenmesi
C Parim
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014
Volatility modelling for Euro in Turkey
M Turanlı, D Cengiz, C Parim
European Journal of Business and Social Sciences 3 (10), 34-41, 2015
Estimation of Bitcoin Price Using Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) by Feature Selection with Genetic Algorithm
C Parim, T Güz, E Çene
Blockchain: Concepts, Issues, and Applications, 99-124, 2024
How do European and non-European players differ: Evidence from EuroLeague basketball with multivariate statistical analysis
E Çene, F Özdalyan, C Parim, E Mancı, T İnan
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of …, 2024
Alzheimer Hastalarında Beyni Besleyen Arterlerin Morfometrik Olarak Değerlendirilmesi: Bir Radyolojik Anatomi Çalışması
C Kibar, P Keleş, ÖÖ Köse, YE Akpınar, C Parim
Kocaeli Tıp Dergisi 13 (2), 122-127, 2024
Can we identify the similarity of courses in computer science?
T Karadağ, C Parim, AH Büyüklü
Sigma Journal of Engineering and Natural Sciences 41 (4), 812-823, 2023
Do Employment and Democracy Foster the GDP? A Panel ARDL Approach for Developing Countries
E Çene, T Güz, C Parim
Current Debates on Social Sciences 13. ISBN: 978-625-6925-27-4 1st Edition …, 2023
Comparison of K-Means and Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Algorithms on Water Quality Parameter: Case Study of Ergene Basin of 17 Stations
G Arslan Çene, C Parim, E Çene
Current Debates on Natural and Engineering Sciences 9, 145-159, 2023
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Articles 1–20