Alper Aldemir
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Cited by
Properties of geopolymers sourced from construction and demolition waste: A review
M Alhawat, A Ashour, G Yildirim, A Aldemir, M Sahmaran
Journal of Building Engineering 50, 104104, 2022
Mechanical and microstructural characterization of geopolymers from assorted construction and demolition waste-based masonry and glass
H Ulugöl, A Kul, G Yıldırım, M Şahmaran, A Aldemir, D Figueira, A Ashour
Journal of Cleaner Production 280, 124358, 2021
Development of alkali-activated binders from recycled mixed masonry-originated waste
G Yıldırım, A Kul, E Özçelikci, M Şahmaran, A Aldemir, D Figueira, ...
Journal of Building Engineering 33, 101690, 2021
Seismic behavior and improvement of autoclaved aerated concrete infill walls
B Binici, E Canbay, A Aldemir, IO Demirel, U Uzgan, Z Eryurtlu, K Bulbul, ...
Engineering Structures 193, 68-81, 2019
8 March 2010 Elazıg-Kovancılar (Turkey) earthquake: Observations on ground motions and building damage
S Akkar, A Aldemir, A Askan, S Bakır, E Canbay, IO Demirel, MA Erberik, ...
Seismological Research Letters 82 (1), 42-58, 2011
Shear behaviour of reinforced construction and demolition waste-based geopolymer concrete beams
A Aldemir, S Akduman, O Kocaer, R Aktepe, M Sahmaran, G Yildirim, ...
Journal of Building Engineering 47, 103861, 2022
Experimental investigations on the structural behaviour of reinforced geopolymer beams produced from recycled construction materials
Ş Akduman, O Kocaer, A Aldemir, M Şahmaran, G Yıldırım, H Almahmood, ...
Journal of Building Engineering 41, 102776, 2021
Rapid screening method for the determination of seismic vulnerability assessment of RC building stocks
O Coskun, A Aldemir, M Sahmaran
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 18, 1401-1416, 2020
Comparison of the expected damage patterns from two-and three-dimensional nonlinear dynamic analyses of a roller compacted concrete dam
Y Arici, B Binici, A Aldemir
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 10 (3), 305-315, 2014
Seismic performance assessment of unreinforced masonry buildings with a hybrid modeling approach
A Aldemir, M Altuğ Erberik, IO Demirel, HÛ Sucuoğlu
Earthquake Spectra 29 (1), 33-57, 2013
Demountable connections of reinforced concrete structures: Review and future developments
D Figueira, A Ashour, G Yıldırım, A Aldemir, M Şahmaran
Structures 34, 3028-3039, 2021
Lateral load testing of an existing two story masonry building up to near collapse
A Aldemir, B Binici, E Canbay, A Yakut
Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering 15, 3365-3383, 2017
Cyclic Testing of Reinforced Concrete Double Walls.
A Aldemir, B Binici, E Canbay
ACI Structural Journal 114 (2), 2017
Pseudo‐dynamic testing of a concrete gravity dam
A Aldemir, B Binici, Y Arici, O Kurc, E Canbay
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 44 (11), 1747-1763, 2015
Opportunities and challenges in constructing a demountable precast building using C&D waste-based geopolymer concrete: A case study in Türkiye
S Akduman, R Aktepe, A Aldemir, E Ozcelikci, B Alam, M Sahmaran
Journal of Cleaner Production 434, 139976, 2024
Rapid screening method for the determination of regional risk distribution of masonry structures
A Aldemir, E Guvenir, M Sahmaran
Structural Safety 85, 101959, 2020
Seismic behaviour of roller compacted concrete dams under different base treatments
A Gharibdoust, A Aldemir, B Binici
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 16 (2), 355-366, 2020
Investigation of mechanical properties of high-performance hybrid fiber concretes adding nanomaterials using with coarse aggregate
N Öksüzer, Ö Anil, A Aldemir, M Şahmaran
Structures 33, 2893-2902, 2021
Bond properties and anisotropy performance of 3D-printed construction and demolition waste-based geopolymers: Effect of operational-and material-oriented parameters
H Özkılıç, H İlcan, E Aminipour, MS Tuğluca, A Aldemir, M Şahmaran
Journal of Building Engineering 78, 107688, 2023
Fully demountable column base connections for reinforced CDW-based geopolymer concrete members
R Aktepe, S Akduman, A Aldemir, E Ozcelikci, G Yildirim, M Sahmaran, ...
Engineering Structures 290, 116366, 2023
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Articles 1–20