Bihter Erol
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Cited by
A general review of the deformation monitoring techniques and a case study: analysing deformations using GPS/levelling
S Erol, B Erol, T Ayan
XXth ISPRS congress 7 (5), 12, 2004
Colorado geoid computation experiment: overview and summary
YM Wang, L Sánchez, J Ågren, J Huang, R Forsberg, HA Abd-Elmotaal, ...
Journal of Geodesy 95, 1-21, 2021
Evaluation of high-precision sensors in structural monitoring
B Erol
Sensors 10 (12), 10803-10827, 2010
Learning-based computing techniques in geoid modeling for precise height transformation
B Erol, S Erol
Computers & geosciences 52, 95-107, 2013
Comparison of the KTH and remove–compute–restore techniques to geoid modelling in a mountainous area
RA Abbak, B Erol, A Ustun
Computers & geosciences 48, 31-40, 2012
Modelling local GPS/levelling geoid with the assessment of inverse distance weighting and geostatistical kriging methods
B Erol, RN Çelik
20th ISPRS Congress, Technical Commission IV, Istanbul, Turkey 76, 2004
Precise local geoid determination to make GPS technique more effective in practical applications of geodesy
B Erol, RN Çelik
FIG working week 17 (3), 22-7, 2004
Comparison of global geopotential models from the CHAMP and GRACE missions for regional geoid modelling in Turkey
B Erol, MG Sideris, RN Çelik
Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 53, 419-441, 2009
Height transformation using regional geoids and GPS/levelling in Turkey
B Erol, S Erol, RN Çelik
Survey Review 40 (307), 2-18, 2008
A comparative assessment of different interpolation algorithms for prediction of GNSS/levelling geoid surface using scattered control data
S Erol, B Erol
Measurement 173, 108623, 2021
High-resolution geoid modeling using least squares modification of Stokes and Hotine formulas in Colorado
MS Işık, B Erol, S Erol, FF Sakil
Journal of geodesy 95 (5), 49, 2021
Preliminary results of GOCE-based height system unification between Greece and Turkey over marine and land areas
GS Vergos, B Erol, DA Natsiopoulos, VN Grigoriadis, MS Işık, IN Tziavos
Acta Geodaetica Et Geophysica 53, 61-79, 2018
Investigations on local geoids for geodetic applications
B Erol
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2007
Utilizing airborne LiDAR and UAV photogrammetry techniques in local geoid model determination and validation
S Erol, E Özögel, RA Kuçak, B Erol
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 9 (9), 528, 2020
Comparison of principal geodetic distance calculation methods for automated province assignment in Turkey
ÖG Esenbuğa, A Akoğuz, E Çolak, B Varol, B Erol
International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference: SGEM 2, 141-148, 2016
An automated height transformation using precise geoid models
B Erol
Scientific Research and Essays 6 (6), 1351-1363, 2011
An assessment of the GOCE high-level processing facility (HPF) released global geopotential models with regional test results in Turkey
B Erol, MS Işık, S Erol
Remote sensing 12 (3), 586, 2020
Analyzing the deformations of a bridge using GPS and levelling data
S Erol, B Erol, T Ayan
Geodetic Deformation Monitoring: From Geophysical to Engineering Roles: IAG …, 2006
Geoid modeling by the least squares modification of Hotine's and Stokes' formulae using non-gridded gravity data
FF Sakil, S Erol, A Ellmann, B Erol
Computers & Geosciences 156, 104909, 2021
An experimental study of a new keypoint matching algorithm for automatic point cloud registration
RA Kuçak, S Erol, B Erol
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 10 (4), 204, 2021
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Articles 1–20