Osman Bulut
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Cited by
Understanding the polymer type and CNT orientation effect on the dynamic mechanical properties of high volume fraction CNT polymer nanocomposites
D Ürk, E Demir, O Bulut, D Çakıroğlu, FÇ Cebeci, ML Öveçoğlu, H Cebeci
Composite Structures 155, 255-262, 2016
L-Arginine Modified Multi-walled Carbon Nanotube/Sulfonated Poly (ether ether ketone) Nanocomposite Films for Biomedical Applications
H Kaya, O Bulut, AR Kamali, D Ege
Applied Surface Science, 2018
Substrate stiffness effects on SH‐SY5Y: The dichotomy of morphology and neuronal behavior
A Ozgun, FZ Erkoc‐Biradlı, O Bulut, B Garipcan
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 109 (1 …, 2021
Boosted viscoelastic and dynamic mechanical behavior of binary nanocarbon based polyurethane hybrid nanocomposite foams
A Navidfar, O Bulut, T Baytak, H Iskender, L Trabzon
Journal of Composite Materials 56 (18), 2907-2920, 2022
Thermal Stress in Functionally Graded Plates with a Gradation of the Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Only
T Baytak, O Bulut
Experimental Mechanics 62 (4), 655-666, 2022
Bioinspired hydrogel surfaces to augment corneal endothelial cell monolayer formation
FZ Erkoc‐Biradli, A Ozgun, MÖ Öztürk‐Öncel, M Marcali, C Elbuken, ...
Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine 15 (3), 244-255, 2021
Three-dimensional stress state around corrosive cavities on pressure vessels
Z Abdulaliyev, S Ataoglu, O Bulut, ES Kayali
Effect of Temperature and Film Thickness on Residual Stress and Texture of Buffer Layers for YBCO Coated Conductor
L Arda, S Ataoglu, O Bulut
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 19 (3), 3291-3294, 2009
Nonlinear behaviour of epoxy and epoxy-based nanocomposites: an integrated experimental and computational analysis
M Tüfekci, T Baytak, O Bulut, İ Pir, S Acarer Arat, B Özkal, H Liu, JP Dear, ...
Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines 52 (9), 6858-6888, 2024
CNT incorporation improves the resolution and stability of porous 3D printed PLGA/HA/CNT scaffolds for bone regeneration
H Kaya, Ş Arıcı, O Bulut, F Bilgili, D Ege
Biomedical Materials 18 (5), 055028, 2023
Coupling of winding models and roll quality instruments
C Mollamahmutoglu, O Bulut, S Adari, JK Good
Oklahoma State University, 2015
Preparation and Thermal Stress Analysis of AlO Insulation Coatings on SS-304 Tape
S Ataoglu, L Arda, N Kadioglu, O Cakiroglu, O Bulut, AN Gulluoglu, ...
IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity 19 (3), 2375-2378, 2009
Çelik Taban Levhalarının Bağlantı Deliklerinde Tasarıma Aykırı Geometrik Değişimin Gerilme Dağılımına Etkisi
El-Cezeri 7 (2), 461-473, 2020
The thermal stress analysis around the cavities in composite plates used for the body of reactors
O Bulut
J. Fac. Eng. Archit. Gazi Univ 34 (2), 1077-1086, 2019
Discussion on the manuscript entitled “Thermal residual stress in a functionally graded material system” by KS Ravichandran, Materials Science and Engineering A, 201 (1–2), pp …
T Baytak, I Topcu, O Bulut
Materials Science and Engineering: A 839, 142842, 2022
Viscoelastic response of high volume fraction carbon nanotube-polymer nanocomposites with tailored wettability and controlled morphology
ZS Pehlivan, D Ürk, H Cebeci, ML Öveçoğlu, A Dönmez, O Bulut, ...
Composite Structures 208, 418-425, 2019
Stress Analysis and Microstructure of the Al2O3/Cu/MgB2 wires
S Ataoglu, M Tosun, T Baytak, A Donmez, O Bulut, C Ipek
Journal of Trends in the Development of Machinery and Associated Technology …, 2016
Absolute effective elastic constants of composite materials
O Bulut, N Kadioglu, S Ataoglu
Structural engineering and mechanics: An international journal 57 (5), 897-920, 2016
Synergically enhanced viscoelastic behavior of binary nanocarbon based polyurethane hybrid nanocomposite foams
A Navidfar, O Bulut, T Baytak, H Iskender, L Trabzon
arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.13363, 2020
Flexible Poly (imide) Siloxane Block Copolymers to Use at Biomedical Products
T Doğan, N Koken, O Bulut, N Baydogan
Defect and Diffusion Forum 400, 152-156, 2020
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Articles 1–20