Emre Çevikcan
Emre Çevikcan
Endüstri Mühendisliği Profesörü, İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi
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Industry 4.0: managing the digital transformation
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan
Springer, 2017
Maturity and readiness model for industry 4.0 strategy
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, KY Akdil, A Ustundag, E Cevikcan
Industry 4.0: Managing the digital transformation, 61-94, 2018
A conceptual framework for Industry 4.0
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, C Salkin, M Oner, A Ustundag, E Cevikcan
Industry 4.0: managing the digital transformation, 3-23, 2018
Talent development for Industry 4.0
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, G Karacay
Industry 4.0: Managing the digital transformation, 123-136, 2018
Overview of cyber security in the industry 4.0 era
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, BC Ervural, B Ervural
Industry 4.0: managing the digital transformation, 267-284, 2018
Technology roadmap for Industry 4.0
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, PA Sarvari, A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, I Kaya, ...
Industry 4.0: Managing the digital transformation, 95-103, 2018
A simulation-based methodology for the analysis of the effect of lean tools on energy efficiency: An application in power distribution industry
S Baysan, O Kabadurmus, E Cevikcan, SI Satoglu, MB Durmusoglu
Journal of cleaner production 211, 895-908, 2019
Fuzzy rule-based system for the economic analysis of RFID investments
A Ustundag, MS Kılınç, E Cevikcan
Expert systems with applications 37 (7), 5300-5306, 2010
Lean production systems for industry 4.0
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, S Satoglu, A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, ...
Industry 4.0: Managing the digital transformation, 43-59, 2018
Intelligence decision systems in enterprise information management
C Kahraman, I Kaya, E Çevikcan
Journal of Enterprise Information Management 24 (4), 360-379, 2011
Lean transformation integrated with Industry 4.0 implementation methodology
S Satoglu, A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, MB Durmusoglu
Industrial Engineering in the Industry 4.0 Era: Selected papers from the …, 2018
Advances in Robotics in the Era of Industry 4.0
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, B Bayram, G İnce
Industry 4.0: Managing The Digital Transformation, 187-200, 2018
Fuzzy VIKOR and Fuzzy Axiomatic Design Versus to Fuzzy Topsis: An Application of Candidate Assessment.
E Cevikcan, S Cebi, I Kaya
J. Multiple Valued Log. Soft Comput. 15 (2-3), 181-208, 2009
A team-oriented design methodology for mixed model assembly systems
E Cevikcan, MB Durmusoglu, ME Unal
Computers & Industrial Engineering 56 (2), 576-599, 2009
Disassembly line design with multi-manned workstations: a novel heuristic optimisation approach
E Cevikcan, D Aslan, FB Yeni
International Journal of Production Research 58 (3), 649-670, 2020
Makine-teçhizat seçim probleminde bulanık karar verme süreci
İ Kaya, MS Kılınç, E Çevikcan
Mühendis ve Makina 49 (576), 8-14, 2007
Axiomatic Design for Lean-oriented Occupational Health and Safety systems: An application in shipbuilding industry
F Babur, E Cevikcan, MB Durmusoglu
Computers & Industrial Engineering 100, 88-109, 2016
Vehicle route optimization for RFID integrated waste collection system
ALP Ustundag, E Cevi̇kcan
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 7 (04 …, 2008
The role of augmented reality in the age of industry 4.0
A Ustundag, E Cevikcan, M Esengün, G İnce
Industry 4.0: managing the digital transformation, 201-215, 2018
Job selection based on fuzzy AHP: an investigation including the students of Istanbul Technical University Management Faculty
HS Kılıç, E Çevikcan
International journal of business and management studies 3 (1), 173-182, 2011
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Articles 1–20