Dejan Dodig
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A high-density genetic map of hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from the cross Chinese Spring × SQ1 and its use to compare QTLs for grain yield across a …
SA Quarrie, A Steed, C Calestani, A Semikhodskii, C Lebreton, C Chinoy, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 110, 865-880, 2005
Dissecting a wheat QTL for yield present in a range of environments: from the QTL to candidate genes
SA Quarrie, S Pekic Quarrie, R Radosevic, D Rancic, A Kaminska, ...
Journal of experimental botany 57 (11), 2627-2637, 2006
Characterization of proteins from grain of different bread and durum wheat genotypes
S Žilić, M Barać, M Pešić, D Dodig, D Ignjatović-Micić
International journal of molecular sciences 12 (9), 5878-5894, 2011
Antioxidant activity of small grain cereals caused by phenolics and lipid soluble antioxidants
S Žilić, VHT Šukalović, D Dodig, V Maksimović, M Maksimović, Z Basić
Journal of Cereal Science 54 (3), 417-424, 2011
Effects of hull-less barley flour and flakes on bread nutritional composition and sensory properties
B Škrbić, S Milovac, D Dodig, B Filipčev
Food Chemistry 115 (3), 982-988, 2009
Genetic and association mapping study of wheat agronomic traits under contrasting water regimes
D Dodig, M Zoric, B Kobiljski, J Savic, V Kandic, S Quarrie, J Barnes
International journal of molecular sciences 13 (5), 6167-6188, 2012
Acrylamide formation in biscuits made of different wholegrain flours depending on their free asparagine content and baking conditions
S Žilić, IG Aktağ, D Dodig, M Filipović, V Gökmen
Food research international 132, 109109, 2020
Comparison of responses to drought stress of 100 wheat accessions and landraces to identify opportunities for improving wheat drought resistance
D Dodig, M Zorić, V Kandić, D Perović, G Šurlan‐Momirović
Plant Breeding 131 (3), 369-379, 2012
Genotype× environment interaction for wheat yield in different drought stress conditions and agronomic traits suitable for selection
D Dodig, M Zoric, D Knezevic, SR King, G Surlan-Momirovic
Australian Journal of Agricultural Research 59 (6), 536-545, 2008
The importance of physiological traits in wheat breeding under irrigation and drought stress
V Kandić, D Dodig, M Jović, B Nikolić, S Prodanović
Genetika 41 (1), 11-20, 2009
Assessing drought tolerance and regional patterns of genetic diversity among spring and winter bread wheat using simple sequence repeats and phenotypic data
D Dodig, M Zorić, B Kobiljski, G Šurlan-Momirović, SA Quarrie
Crop and Pasture Science 61 (10), 812-824, 2010
Prospects for marker-assisted selection of improved drought responses in wheat
SA Quarrie, D Dodig, S Pekiç, J Kirby, B Kobiljski
Bulg. J. Plant Physiol 2003, 83-95, 2003
Formation of α-dicarbonyl compounds in cookies made from wheat, hull-less barley and colored corn and its relation with phenolic compounds, free amino acids and sugars
T Kocadağlı, S Žilić, NG Taş, J Vančetović, D Dodig, V Gökmen
European Food Research and Technology 242, 51-60, 2016
Seed germination and seedling vigour of Italian ryegrass, cocksfoot and timothy following harvest and storage
R Stanisavljevic, D Ðjokic, J Milenkovic, L Ðukanovic, V Stevovic, A Simic, ...
Ciencia e agrotecnologia 35, 1141-1148, 2011
Free asparagine and sugars profile of cereal species: the potential of cereals for acrylamide formation in foods
S Žilić, D Dodig, Z Basić, J Vančetović, P Titan, N Đurić, N Tolimir
Food additives & contaminants: part A 34 (5), 705-713, 2017
Investigations on the formation of Maillard reaction products in sweet cookies made of different cereals
S Žilić, IG Aktağ, D Dodig, V Gökmen
Food Research International 144, 110352, 2021
Wheat seedlings growth response to water deficiency and how it correlates with adult plant tolerance to drought
D Dodig, M Zorić, M Jović, V Kandić, R Stanisavljević, G Šurlan-Momirović
The Journal of Agricultural Science 153 (3), 466-480, 2015
Bread and durum wheat compared for antioxidants contents, and lipoxygenase and peroxidase activities
S Žilić, D Dodig, VHT Šukalović, M Maksimović, G Saratlić, B Škrbić
International journal of food science & technology 45 (7), 1360-1367, 2010
Identification of QTL-s for drought tolerance in maize, II: yield and yield components
A Nikolić, V Anđelković, D Dodig, S Mladenović-Drinić, N Kravić, ...
Genetika 45 (2), 341-350, 2013
Composition of anthocyanins in colored grains and the relationship of their non-acylated and acylated derivatives
S Zilic, D Dodig, J Vancetović, N Grcic, V Peric, P Titan, V Maksimović
Polish Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences 69 (2), 137-146, 2019
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Articles 1–20