Justine L Dees
Justine L Dees
Justine Dees, PhD, LLC
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Essential genome of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis sputum
KH Turner, AK Wessel, GC Palmer, JL Murray, M Whiteley
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (13), 4110-4115, 2015
Pseudomonas aeruginosa transcriptome during human infection
DM Cornforth, JL Dees, CB Ibberson, HK Huse, IH Mathiesen, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115 (22), E5125-E5134, 2018
Mechanisms of synergy in polymicrobial infections
JL Murray, JL Connell, A Stacy, KH Turner, M Whiteley
Journal of microbiology 52, 188-199, 2014
Co-infecting microorganisms dramatically alter pathogen gene essentiality during polymicrobial infection
CB Ibberson, A Stacy, D Fleming, JL Dees, K Rumbaugh, MS Gilmore, ...
Nature microbiology 2 (8), 1-6, 2017
Intrinsic antimicrobial resistance determinants in the superbug Pseudomonas aeruginosa
JL Murray, T Kwon, EM Marcotte, M Whiteley
MBio 6 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 01603-15, 2015
Dynamic covalent chemistry enables formation of antimicrobial peptide quaternary assemblies in a completely abiotic manner
JF Reuther, JL Dees, IV Kolesnichenko, ET Hernandez, DV Ukraintsev, ...
Nature chemistry 10 (1), 45-50, 2018
Role of Pseudomonas aeruginosa glutathione biosynthesis in lung and soft tissue infection
KL Michie, JL Dees, D Fleming, DA Moustafa, JB Goldberg, ...
Infection and Immunity 88 (6), 10.1128/iai. 00116-20, 2020
Co-infecting microorganisms dramatically alter pathogen gene essentiality during polymicrobial infection. Nat Microbiol. 2017; 2: 17079
CB Ibberson, A Stacy, D Fleming, JL Dees, K Rumbaugh, MS Gilmore, ...
Epub 2017/05/31. https://doi. org/10.1038/nmicrobiol. 2017.79 PMID: 28555625, 2017
Co-infecting microbes dramatically alter pathogen gene essentiality during polymicrobial infection
CB Ibberson, A Stacy, D Fleming, JL Dees, K Rumbaugh, MS Gilmore, ...
Nature microbiology, 2018
A Transcriptional Activator of Ascorbic Acid Transport in Streptococcus pneumoniae Is Required for Optimal Growth in Endophthalmitis in a Strain-Dependent Manner
AH Benton, MD Jackson, SM Wong, JL Dees, BJ Akerley, ME Marquart
Microorganisms 7 (9), 290, 2019
A Transcriptional Activator of Ascorbic Acid Transport in Is Required for Optimal Growth in Endophthalmitis in a Strain-Dependent Manner.
AH Benton, MD Jackson, SM Wong, JL Dees, BJ Akerley, ME Marquart
Microorganisms 7 (9), 2019
Ecology of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections
JL Dees
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Articles 1–12