Hesham Aldaikh
Hesham Aldaikh
BSc (Eng) PhD CEng MICE
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Cited by
Two dimensional numerical and experimental models for the study of structure–soil–structure interaction involving three buildings
H Aldaikh, NA Alexander, E Ibraim, O Oddbjornsson
Computers & Structures 150, 79-91, 2015
Shake table testing of the dynamic interaction between two and three adjacent buildings (SSSI)
H Aldaikh, NA Alexander, E Ibraim, J Knappett
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 89, 219-232, 2016
A simple discrete model for interaction of adjacent buildings during earthquakes
NA Alexander, E Ibraim, H Aldaikh
Computers & Structures 124, 1-10, 2013
Damage‐based seismic planar pounding analysis of adjacent symmetric buildings considering inelastic structure–soil–structure interaction
M Ghandil, H Aldaikh
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 46 (7), 1141-1159, 2017
Evaluation of rocking and coupling rotational linear stiffness coefficients of adjacent foundations
H Aldaikh, NA Alexander, E Ibraim, JA Knappett
International Journal of Geomechanics 18 (1), 04017131, 2018
A Review of Anchor Technology for Floating Renewable Energy Devices and Key Design Considerations
JTL J. A. Knappett, M. J. Brown, H. Aldaikh, S. Patra, C. D. O’Loughlin, S ...
Frontiers in Offshore Geotechnics III, 887-892, 2015
Exploration of Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction Dynamics
NA Alexander, E Ibraim, H Aldaikh
Thirteenth International Conference on Civil, Structural and Environmental …, 2011
Discrete Model for Dynamic Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction
HS Aldaikh, NA Alexander, E Ibraim
15th World Conference on Earthquake Engineeirng, 2012
Evaluation of monotonic ultimate pull-out capacity of plate anchors in sand
H Aldaikh, J Knappett, M Brown, S Patra
Information Technology in Geo-Engineering, 291-297, 2014
Development of a scalable actuator control system for use in a geotechnical centrifuge
S Patra, J Knappett, M Brown, H Aldaikh
Information Technology in Geo-Engineering, 183-190, 2014
Discrete models for the study of dynamic structure-soil-structure interaction
HSH Aldaikh
University of Bristol, 2013
Information Technology in Geo-Engineering: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference (ICITG) Durham, UK
DG Toll, H Zhu, A Osman
IOS Press, 2014
Model Testing of Recovery Loads for Decommissioning Skirted Subsea Structures
A Brennan, M Brown, J Knappett, C McMillan, H Aldaikh, AA Small, ...
8th Offshore Site Investigation and Geotechnics International Conference …, 2017
Effect of K0 on the settlement of a raft foundation: a numerical study
FL H. Aldaikh, I. Thusyanthan, A.B. Batilas, K. Neaupane
10th European Conference on Numerical Methods in Geotechnical Engineering, 2023
Damage-based seismic planar pounding analysis of adjacent symmetric buildings considering inelastic structure-soil-structure interaction
H Aldaikh, M Ghandil
Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics 46 (7), 1141-1159, 2017
Characterising the Dynamic Response of A Deformed Masonry Arch Rail Bridge Using Monitoring and Remote Sensing
H Aldaikh, S Acikgoz, M DeJong, C Kechavarzi, K Soga
European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2016
GeoWAVE: Geotechnical design solutions for the offshore renewable wave energy industry. D4. 1 Site characterisation report
C O'Loughlin, H Aldaikh, S Chow, J Knappett
The University of Western Australia, 2014
Dynamics of Structure-Soil-Structure Interaction
H Aldaikh
Proceedings of the 11th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium, Bristol …, 2010
Nonlinear Soil-structure Interaction Analysis of Multistorey Building
HSH Aldaikh
Universiti Putra Malaysia, 2005
Charactering the dynamic interaction of adjacent buildings
NA Alexander, E Ibraim, H Aldaikh
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Articles 1–20