Bekir pekmezci
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Cited by
Mechanical and physical properties and morphology of concrete containing plastic waste as aggregate
M Belmokaddem, A Mahi, Y Senhadji, BY Pekmezci
Construction and Building Materials 257, 119559, 2020
Optimum usage of a natural pozzolan for the maximum compressive strength of concrete
BY Pekmezci, S Akyüz
Cement and Concrete Research 34 (12), 2175-2179, 2004
Behavior of PVA fiber-reinforced cementitious composites under static and impact flexural effects
HN Atahan, BY Pekmezci, EY Tuncel
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 25 (10), 1438-1445, 2013
Low compaction energy concrete for improved slipform casting of concrete pavements
B Yilmaz Pekmezci, T Voigt, K Wang, SP Shah
American Concrete Institute, 2007
A sustainable cold bonded lightweight PCM aggregate production: Its effects on concrete properties
EY Tuncel, BY Pekmezci
Construction and Building Materials 181, 199-216, 2018
Self-Consolidating Concrete--Applications for Slip-Form Paving: Phase I (Feasibility Study)
K Wang, SP Shah, DJ White, J Gray, T Voigt, L Gang, J Hu, C Halverson, ...
Improved performance of earth structures by lime and gypsum addition
BY Pekmezci, R Kafesçioğlu, E Agahzadeh
Middle East Technical University, Faculty of Architecture, 2012
Load carrying capacity enhancement of cold formed steel walls using shotcreted steel sheets
W Mowrtage, NH Yel, B Pekmezci, HN Atahan
Thin-walled structures 60, 145-153, 2012
Freeze-thaw durability of lime based FRCM systems for strengthening historical masonry
BY Pekmezci, E Arabaci, C Ustundag
Key Engineering Materials 817, 174-181, 2019
Kimyasal ve nano katkılar: betonda kullanımı ve beton performansına etkileri
BY Pekmezci, HN Atahan
Hazır Beton Dergisi, Mayıs-Haziran, 69-82, 2014
Influence of nano SiO2 on mechanical properties of mortars containing fly ash
D Gundogdu, BY Pekmezci, HN Atahan
International RILEM Conference on Material Science, 345-354, 2010
Performance of glass fiber‐reinforced cement composites containing phase change materials
EY Tuncel, BY Pekmezci
Environmental Progress & Sustainable Energy 38 (3), e13061, 2019
Utilization of artificial lightweight aggregates in hardened cement paste for internal water curing
B Akcay, BY Pekmezci, MA Tasdemir
Proc., of FIB Keep Concrete Attractive, Budapest, 374-380, 2005
Damage Analysis for a Fire Exposed Industrial Building
K Peker, B Pekmezci
Structural engineering international 13 (4), 245-248, 2003
Akışkanlaştırıcı Katkı Kür ve Koşullarının Betonun Geçirimlilik Özellikleri Üzerindeki Etkileri
M Uyan, BY Pekmezci, H Yıldırım
Sika Teknik Bülten 1, 10-14, 2003
Utility of polyvinyl alcohol fiber-based needle punched nonwoven fabric as potential reinforcement in cementitious composites
BY Pekmezci, BK Kayaoglu, B Pourdeyhimi, AC Karadeniz
Journal of Composite Materials 48 (25), 3129-3140, 2014
Mechanical properties of carbon-fabric-reinforced high-strength matrices
BY Pekmezci, A Çopuroğlu
Materials 13 (16), 3508, 2020
A Taguchi approach for optimizing the mixture design of cold-bonded PCM aggregates
EY Tuncel, BY Pekmezci
Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects 46 …, 2024
Durability of natural hydraulic lime (NHL) based TRM composites through hot water immersion method
ME Gunes, BY Pekmezci, ZC Girgin
Materials and Structures 54, 1-16, 2021
Yüksek performanslı çimentolu ürünlerin otojen rötre özellikleri
BY Pekmezci
Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2006
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Articles 1–20