The control of highway tunnel ventilation using fuzzy logic E Karakaş Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 16 (7-8), 717-721, 2003 | 49 | 2003 |
Finite element modeling and control of a high-power SRM for hybrid electric vehicle S Sezen, E Karakas, K Yilmaz, M Ayaz Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 62, 49-67, 2016 | 38 | 2016 |
PERFORMANCE ANALYSIS OF PM SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS USING FUZZY LOGIC AND SELF TUNING FUZZY PI SPEED CONTROLS. A Karakaya, E Karakas Arabian Journal for Science & Engineering (Springer Science & Business Media …, 2008 | 31 | 2008 |
Speed control of SR motor by self-tuning fuzzy PI controller with artificial neural network E Karakas, S Vardarbasi Sadhana 32, 587-596, 2007 | 28 | 2007 |
The effects of computer-assisted learning in teaching permanent magnet synchronous motors E Karakas, S Tekindal IEEE Transactions on Education 51 (4), 448-455, 2008 | 27 | 2008 |
Fuzzy logic-based user interface design for risk assessment considering human factor: A case study for high-voltage cell F Aras, E Karakaş, Y Biçen Safety science 70, 387-396, 2014 | 24 | 2014 |
3D virtual classroom environment for teaching renewable energy production and substation equipment H Aydogan, E Karakas, F Aras, F Ozudogru International Journal of Electrical Engineering Education 48 (3), 294-306, 2011 | 24 | 2011 |
An assessment on distance education in a 3D virtual environment: How to produce electricity in a hydroelectric power plant H Aydoğan, F Aras, E Karakas 2010 2nd International Conference on Education Technology and Computer 1, V1 …, 2010 | 20 | 2010 |
Implementation of neural network-based maximum power tracking control for wind turbine generators A Karakaya, E KARAKAŞ Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 22 (6), 1410 …, 2014 | 12 | 2014 |
The speed control of permanent magnet synchronous motor using fuzzy logic and self tuning fuzzy PI controller A Karakaya, E Karakas Proc. ELECO'05, 2005 | 11 | 2005 |
Enerji ekonomisi açısından geri kazanım sistemleri U Sinanoğlu, DÖ Esen, E Karakaş TMMOB 1, 12-14, 1996 | 8 | 1996 |
Process time and MPPT performance analysis of CF, LUT, and ANN control methods for a PMSG-based wind energy generation system A Karakaya, E KARAKAŞ Turkish Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences 24 (5), 3609 …, 2016 | 6 | 2016 |
Fuzzy logic control of converter in high voltage dc transmission system E Olcer, B Karagoz, E Ozdemir, E Karakas, H Dincer 1997 IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Processing Systems (Cat …, 1997 | 6 | 1997 |
Design of fuzzy logic controller for DC-DC converter fed traction motor drives E Ozdemir, A Ural, N Abut, E Karakas, E Olcer, B Karagoz Proceedings of 12th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 343-348, 1997 | 6 | 1997 |
İle Modellenmesi M ALTINAY, A Ergün Amaç, İBDC KARAKAS E, BDGDUOM DC EVK ‘2005-I. Enerji Verimliliği ve Kalitesi Sempozyumu, TMMOB Elektrik …, 0 | 4 | |
Fuzzy control of traction motor in light metro vehicle E Ozdemir, E Karakas, E Olcer, N Ermis WIT Transactions on The Built Environment 21, 2025 | 3 | 2025 |
Güneş enerjisi kullanılarak sulama sistemleri için yeni bilgi tabanlı model, new knowledge-based model for irrigatıon systems with solar energy İ Kandilli, A Güven, E Karakaş, M Kuncan 1. Uluslararası Akdeniz Bilim ve Mühendislik Kongresi (IMSEC 2016), 1st …, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
A comparison of the effects of problem-based learning and computer-assisted learning methods on student success in mechatronics education I Kandilli, E Karakas ENERGY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART B-SOCIAL AND EDUCATIONAL …, 2012 | 3 | 2012 |
Adaptive control of bolu highway tunnel ventilation system using fuzzy logic E Karakas, H Külünk Proceedings of the 1998 ACM symposium on Applied Computing, 282-286, 1998 | 3 | 1998 |
Design and application of fuzzy controller for traction motor in metro vehicle E Özdemir, A Ural, E Karakaş, E Ölçer, B Karagöz IFAC Proceedings Volumes 30 (8), 687-692, 1997 | 3 | 1997 |