Selva Bahar Baziki
Selva Bahar Baziki
Bloomberg LP
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Cross-border acquisitions and restructuring: Multinational enterprises and private equity-firms
SB Baziki, PJ Norbäck, L Persson, J Tåg
European economic review 94, 166-184, 2017
Trade Competition, Technology and Labour Reallocation
SB Baziki, R Ginja, T Borota Milicevic
IZA Discussion Papers, 2016
Sovereign portfolio composition and bank risk: The case of European banks
SB Baziki, MJ Nieto, R Turk-Ariss
Journal of Financial Stability 65, 101108, 2023
Consumer loan rate dispersion and the role of competition: Evidence from Turkish banking industry
SB Baziki, Y Kılıç, MH Yılmaz
Central Bank Review 22 (1), 27-47, 2022
Consumer loan rate dispersion and the role of competition: Evidence from Turkish banking industry. Central Bank Review, 22 (1), 27–47
SB Baziki, Y Kılıç, MH Yılmaz
Firms, International Competition, and the Labor Market
SB Baziki
Department of Economics, 2015
Bank Lending and Maturity: The Anatomy of the Transmission of Monetary Policy
SB Baziki, T Capacioglu
Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of …, 2020
Macroprudential Policies, Credit Guarantee Schemes and Commercial Loans: Lending Decisions of Banks
SB Baziki, T Capacioglu
Research and Monetary Policy Department, Central Bank of the Republic of …, 2021
Consumer Loan Rate Dispersion and the Role of Competition: Evidence from the Turkish Banking Sector
S Baziki, Y Kılıç, MH Yilmaz
Available at SSRN 3756276, 2020
Loan-to-Value Caps, Bank Lending, and Spill-over to General-Purpose Loans
SB Baziki, T Capacıoglu
Cross-border Acquisitions and Restructuring: Multinational Enterprises and Private Equity firms" and" Cross-border Leveraged Buyouts
S Bahar Baziki
How do Loan-to-Value Caps Impact Bank Lending and Credit Spillover?
SB Baziki
Women in Economics (WinE) Networking & Mentoring Retreat Schedule List of Mentors
EA TSE, K Benhima, R Giacomini, M Guell, P Manzini, M Viarengo, ...
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Articles 1–13