Ferhat Matur
Ferhat Matur
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Some karyological records and a new chromosomal form for Spalax (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey
M Sozen, F Matur, E Colak, S Ozkurt, A Karatas
Discrimination of 2n= 60 Spalax leucodon cytotypes (Spalacidae, Rodentia) in Turkey by means of classical and molecular cytogenetic techniques
E Ivanitskaya, M Sözen, L Rashkovetsky, F Matur, E Nevo
Cytogenetic and Genome Research 122 (2), 139-149, 2008
Review of chromosome races in blind mole rats (Spalax and Nannospalax)
A Arslan, B Kryštufek, F Matur, J Zima
Folia Zoologica 65 (4), 249-301, 2016
Phylogeny of species and cytotypes of mole rats (Spalacidae) in Turkey inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene sequences
I Kandemir, M Sözen, F Matur, T Kankılıç, N Martinkova, F Colak, ...
Folia Zoologica 61 (1), 25-33, 2012
Cytotypes of Nannospalax xanthodon (Satunin, 1898)(Rodentia: Spalacidae) from western Anatolia
M Sözen, F Çolak, M Sevindik, F Matur
Turkish Journal of Zoology 37 (4), 462-469, 2013
Karyological and some morphological characteristics of Spalax leucodon Nordmann, 1840 (Mammalia: Rodentia) superspecies around Kastamonu province, Turkey
M Sözen, M Sevindik, F Matur
Turkish Journal of Zoology 30 (2), 205-219, 2006
Evolutionary history and species delimitations: a case study of the hazel dormouse, Muscardinus avellanarius
A Mouton, A Mortelliti, A Grill, M Sara, B Kryštufek, R Juškaitis, A Latinne, ...
Conservation genetics 18, 181-196, 2017
Dobrava-Belgrade virus in Apodemus flavicollis and A. uralensis mice, Turkey
IMA Oktem, Y Uyar, E Dincer, A Gozalan, M Schlegel, C Babur, B Celebi, ...
Emerging Infectious Diseases 20 (1), 121, 2014
Chromosomal evolution of the genus Nannospalax (Palmer 1903)(Rodentia, Muridae) from western Turkey
F Matur, F Colak, T Ceylan, M Sevindik, M Sözen
Turkish Journal of Zoology 37 (4), 470-487, 2013
A karyological study on subterrranean mole rats of the Spalax leucodon Nordmann, 1840 (Mammalia: Rodentia) superspecies in northwestern Turkey
F Matur, M Sözen
Zoology in the Middle East 36 (1), 5-10, 2005
Chromosome differentiation of four 2n= 50 chromosomal forms of Turkish mole rat, Nannospalax nehringi
F Matur, F Çolak, M Sevindik, M Sözen
Zoological science 28 (1), 61-67, 2011
Molecular Survey of Babesia microti (Aconoidasida: Piroplasmida) in Wild Rodents in Turkey
S Usluca, B Celebi, D Karasartova, AS Gureser, F Matur, MA Oktem, ...
Journal of Medical Entomology 56 (6), 1605-1609, 2019
Distribution of chromosomal forms of Nannospalax nehringi (Satunin, 1898)(Rodentia: Spalacidae) in Çankırı and Çorum provinces, Turkey
M Sözen, K ÇATAKLI, F Eroğlu, F Matur, M Sevindik
Turkish Journal of Zoology 35 (3), 367-374, 2011
Genotypic similarities among the parthenogenetic Darevskia rock lizards with different hybrid origins
D Tarkhnishvili, A Yanchukov, MK Şahin, M Gabelaia, M Murtskhvaladze, ...
BMC Evolutionary Biology 20, 1-25, 2020
A novel genetic lineage of Tula orthohantavirus in Altai voles (Microtus obscurus) from Turkey
C Polat, K Ergünay, S Irmak, M Erdin, A Brinkmann, O Çetintaş, M Çoğal, ...
Infection, Genetics and Evolution 67, 150-158, 2019
First molecular detection and identification of Leishmania species in small wild rodents from Turkey
M Karakuş, MA Öktem, M Sözen, F Matur, F Çolak, M Nalçaci, Y Özbel, ...
Parasitology 147 (10), 1088-1093, 2020
Bartonella species in wild small mammals in Western Black Sea Region of Turkey
B Celebi, A Karagoz, MA Oktem, A Çarhan, F Matur, NK Ozkazanc, ...
Precise paternal ancestry of hybrid unisexual ZW lizards (genus Darevskia: Lacertidae: Squamata) revealed by Z-linked genomic markers
A Yanchukov, D Tarkhnishvili, M Erdolu, MK Şahin, K Candan, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 136 (2), 293-305, 2022
Karyology of some bat species (Chiroptera: Rhinolophidae, Molossidae) from Turkey
A Karataş, M Sözen, F Matur
Mammalian biology 71, 159-163, 2006
Distribution and conservation of Acomys cilicicus (Mammalia: Rodentia) in Turkey
O Çetintaş, F Matur, M Sözen
Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (6), 1059-1068, 2017
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Articles 1–20