Midhat Mehuljić
Midhat Mehuljić
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Sarajevo
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Lotka-volterra model with two predators and their prey
V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić, J Bektešević
Tem Journal 6 (1), 132-136, 2017
Global Period-Doubling Bifurcation of Quadratic Fractional Second Order Difference Equation
MM Senada Kalabušić, Mustafa R. S. Kulenović
Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society 2014 (Article ID 920410), 13 pages, 2014
Global Behavior of Some Rational Second Order Difference Equations
RSK Mustafa, M Mehuljic
International Journal of Difference Equations 7, 151-160, 2012
Global asymptotic behavior of some quadratic rational second-order difference equations
J Bekteševic, M Mehuljic, V Hadziabdi
International Journal of Difference Equations 12 (2), 169-183, 2017
Global dynamics and bifurcations of two quadratic fractional second order difference equations
S Kalabušić, M Kulenovic, M Mehuljić
The Network of Smart Sensors for Indoor Air Quality Monitoring
A Masic, G Kepnik, J Bektesevic, M Mehuljic, I Saric, V Hadziabdic
Proceedings of the 31st DAAAM International Symposium, 0232-0235, 2020
The global behavior of a quadratic difference equation
J Bektešević, V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić, N Mujić
Filomat 32 (18), 6203-6210, 2018
Dynamics of a class of host–parasitoid models with external stocking upon parasitoids
J Bektešević, V Hadžiabdić, S Kalabušić, M Mehuljić, E Pilav
Advances in Difference Equations 2021, 1-37, 2021
Mobile Measurements of Black Carbon for Source Apportionment Studies
A Masic, D Bibic, I Kamenica, J Bektesevic, V Haziabdic, M Mehuljic
Proceedings of the 31st DAAAM International Symposium, 0227-0231, 2020
Modified gauss-type competitive system
Z Imamović, V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić, J Bektešević, D Burgić
International Conference “New Technologies, Development and Applications …, 2021
Dynamics and stability of Hopf bifurcation for one non-linear system
V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić, J Bektešević, A Mašić
TEM Journal. 10 (2), 820-824, 2021
Application of the nullcline method to a certain model of competitive species
V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić, J Bektešević, I Šarić
TEM J 8 (1), 73-77, 2019
Coexistence between predator and prey in the modified Lotka-Volterra model
V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić, J Bektešević, N Mujić
TEM Journal 7 (2), 330, 2018
Local dynamics and global stability of certain second order rational difference equation in the first quadrant with quadratic terms
J Bektešević, V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić, A Mašić
International Conference “New Technologies, Development and Applications …, 2022
Global period-doubling bifurcation of a certain second-order quadratic rational difference equations
M Mehuljić, J Bektešević, V Hadžiabdić, N Mujić
International Conference “New Technologies, Development and Applications …, 2022
Evaluation of Face Mask Filtering Efficiency Using High-End Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer
A Masic, B Pikula, V Haziabdic, M Mehuljic, J Bektesevic
Proceedings of the 31st DAAAM International Symposium, 0224-0226, 2020
The global behavior of a certain general difference polynomial equation
J Bektešević, V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić, A Mašić, F Destović
International Conference “New Technologies, Development and Applications …, 2023
Local Dynamics and Global Behavior of Certain Second Order Nonlinear Difference Equation
M Mehuljić, J Bektešević, V Hadžiabdić, S Metović, A Mašić
New Technologies, Development and Application VI: Volume 1 687, 442, 2023
The global behavior of a certain difference polynomial equation
J Bektešević, V Hadžiabdić, M Mehuljić
Filomat 35 (11), 3901-3908, 2021
Global Dynamics of Monotone Second Order Difference Equation.
S Kalabušić, MRS Kulenović, M Mehuljić
Journal of Computational Analysis & Applications 29 (1), 2021
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Articles 1–20