Nilgün BEK
Nilgün BEK
Profesor in Department of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation in Lokman Hekim University
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Fiziksel aktivite ve sağlığımız
N Bek
Sağlık Bakanlığı Yayın 730, 2008
The effectiveness of two different exercise approaches in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: A single-blind, randomized-controlled trial
H Kocaman, N Bek, MH Kaya, B Büyükturan, M Yetiş, Ö Büyükturan
PloS one 16 (4), e0249492, 2021
Outcome of orthoses intervention in the rheumatoid foot
Y Kavlak, F Uygur, C Korkmaz, N Bek
Foot & ankle international 24 (6), 494-499, 2003
Short-term effects of kinesiotaping on pain and joint alignment in conservative treatment of hallux valgus
GO Karabicak, N Bek, U Tiftikci
Journal of manipulative and physiological therapeutics 38 (8), 564-571, 2015
Turkish version of impact on family scale: a study of reliability and validity
N Bek, IE Simsek, S Erel, Y Yakut, F Uygur
Health and Quality of Life Outcomes 7, 1-7, 2009
Effects of body mass index on mechanical properties of the plantar fascia and heel pad in asymptomatic participants
S Taş, N Bek, M Ruhi Onur, F Korkusuz
Foot & ankle international 38 (7), 779-784, 2017
Effects of corrective taping on balance and gait in patients with hallux valgus
G Gur, O Ozkal, B Dilek, S Aksoy, N Bek, Y Yakut
Foot & ankle international 38 (5), 532-540, 2017
Home-based general versus center-based selective rehabilitation in patients with posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
N Bek, İ Simsek, S Erel, Y Yakut, F Uygur
Acta orthopaedica et traumatologica turcica 46 (4), 286-292, 2012
Effects of different seating equipment on postural control and upper extremity function in children with cerebral palsy
D Sahinoğlu, G Coskun, N Bek
Prosthetics and orthotics international 41 (1), 85-94, 2017
Effects of hallux valgus deformity on rear foot position, pain, function, and quality of life of women
G Coşkun, B Talu, N Bek, KY Bayramlar
Journal of physical therapy science 28 (3), 781-787, 2016
Foot biomechanics and initial effects of infrapatellar strap on gait parameters in patients with unilateral patellofemoral pain syndrome
N Bek, Gİ Kinikli, MJ Callaghan, OA Atay
The Foot 21 (3), 114-118, 2011
Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of the Manchester-Oxford Foot Questionnaire for hallux valgus deformity evaluation
B Talu, K Bayramlar, N Bek, Y Yakut
Turkish Assoc Orthopaedics Traumatology, 2016
Validity and reliability of visual analog scale foot and ankle: the Turkish version
G Gur, E Turgut, B Dilek, G Baltaci, N Bek, Y Yakut
The Journal of Foot and Ankle Surgery 56 (6), 1213-1217, 2017
The effect of orthotic treatment of posterior tibial tendon insufficiency on pain and disability
N Bek, A Öznur, Y Kavlak, F Uygur
The Pain Clinic 15 (3), 345-350, 2003
Short foot exercises have additional effects on knee pain, foot biomechanics, and lower extremity muscle strength in patients with patellofemoral pain
P Kısacık, VB Tunay, N Bek, ÖA Atay, J Selfe, AA Karaduman
Journal of back and musculoskeletal rehabilitation 34 (6), 1093-1104, 2021
Ayakkabı kullanımı ile ayak deformiteleri, denge ve fonksiyonel performans arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi
Z Güçhan, EI Özaydınlı, S Demirel, V Yüzlü, N Bek
Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation 1 (1), 35-42, 2014
Comparison of connective tissue massage and spray-and-stretch technique in the treatment of chronic cervical myofascial pain syndrome
N Yagci, F Uygur, N Bek
The Pain Clinic 16 (4), 469-474, 2004
Ayaş Ilçesindeki Adolesanlarda Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyinin Postür, Ağrı ve Anksiyete Üzerine Etkilerinin Incelenmesi.
GÖ Karabıçak
Sağlık Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014
The short term effects of an exercise programme as an adjunct to an orthosis in neuromuscular scoliosis
B Bayar, F Uygur, K Bayar, N Bek, Y Yakut
Prosthetics and orthotics international 28 (3), 273-277, 2004
Comparison of different conservative treatment approachs in patients with hallux valgus Halluks valgus tedavi̇si̇nde kullanilan farkli konservati̇f yöntemleri̇n …
N BEK, B Kürklü
Artroplasti Artroskopik Cerrahi 13 (2), 2002
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Articles 1–20