Walter L. Leite
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Cited by
Attempted validation of the scores of the VARK: Learning styles inventory with multitrait–multimethod confirmatory factor analysis models
WL Leite, M Svinicki, Y Shi
Educational and psychological measurement 70 (2), 323-339, 2010
A reliability generalization study of the Marlowe-Crowne Social Desirability Scale
SN Beretvas, JL Meyers, WL Leite
Educational and psychological measurement 62 (4), 570-589, 2002
Validation of scores on the Marlowe-Crowne social desirability scale and the balanced inventory of desirable responding
WL Leite, SN Beretvas
Educational and Psychological Measurement 65 (1), 140-154, 2005
Practical Propensity Score Methods Using R
W Leite
SAGE Publications, 2017
Workload manageability among novice special and general educators: Relationships with emotional exhaustion and career intentions
E Bettini, N Jones, M Brownell, M Conroy, Y Park, W Leite, J Crockett, ...
Remedial and Special Education 38 (4), 246-256, 2017
The internal structure of positive and negative affect: A confirmatory factor analysis of the PANAS
DE Tuccitto, PR Giacobbi Jr, WL Leite
Educational and psychological measurement 70 (1), 125-141, 2010
The use of Monte Carlo studies in structural equation modeling research
DL Bandalos, W Leite
Structural equation modeling: A second course, 385-426, 2006
Item selection for the development of short forms of scales using an ant colony optimization algorithm
WL Leite, IC Huang, GA Marcoulides
Multivariate Behavioral Research 43 (3), 411-431, 2008
Addressing ceiling effects in health status measures: a comparison of techniques applied to measures for people with HIV disease
IC Huang, C Frangakis, MJ Atkinson, RJ Willke, WL Leite, WB Vogel, ...
Health services research 43 (1p1), 327-339, 2008
Teacher knowledge about reading fluency and indicators of students' fluency growth in reading first schools
HB Lane, RF Hudson, WL Leite, ML Kosanovich, MT Strout, NS Fenty, ...
Reading & Writing Quarterly 25 (1), 57-86, 2008
Average treatment effect of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports on school-level academic achievement in Florida
NA Gage, W Leite, K Childs, D Kincaid
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 19 (3), 158-167, 2017
Exploring student and teacher usage patterns associated with student attrition in an open educational resource-supported online learning platform
D Kim, Y Lee, WL Leite, AC Huggins-Manley
Computers & Education 156, 103961, 2020
Detecting social desirability bias using factor mixture models
WL Leite, LA Cooper
Multivariate Behavioral Research 45 (2), 271-293, 2010
Relationships between novice teachers’ social resources and workload manageability
EA Bettini, ND Jones, MT Brownell, MA Conroy, WL Leite
The Journal of Special Education 52 (2), 113-126, 2018
Assessing change in latent skills across time with longitudinal cognitive diagnosis modeling: An evaluation of model performance
Y Kaya, WL Leite
Educational and psychological measurement 77 (3), 369-388, 2017
A comparison of latent growth models for constructs measured by multiple items
WL Leite
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 14 (4), 581-610, 2007
Diabetes‐specific or generic measures for health‐related quality of life? Evidence from psychometric validation of the D‐39 and SF‐36
IC Huang, CC Hwang, MY Wu, W Lin, W Leite, AW Wu
Value in Health 11 (3), 450-461, 2008
A comparison of three-step approaches for auxiliary variables in latent class and latent profile analysis
ZK Collier, WL Leite
Structural Equation Modeling: A Multidisciplinary Journal 24 (6), 819-830, 2017
The effect of perceived brand leadership on luxury service WOM
Y Chang, YJ Ko, WL Leite
Journal of Services Marketing 30 (6), 659-671, 2016
The performance of multiple imputation for Likert-type items with missing data
W Leite, SN Beretvas
Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods 9 (1), 8, 2010
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Articles 1–20