Kemal Taslı
Kemal Taslı
Jeoloji Mühendisliği Profesörü, Mersin Üniversitesi
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The Berit transect of the Tauride thrust belt, S Turkey: Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic accretionary/collisional processes related to closure of the Southern Neotethys
AHF Robertson, T Ustaömer, O Parlak, UC Ünlügenç, K Taşlı, N Inan
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 27 (1), 108-145, 2006
Tectonic evolution of the South Tethyan ocean: evidence from the Eastern Taurus Mountains (Elaziğ region, SE Turkey)
AHF Robertson, O Parlak, T Rizaoğlu, Ü Ünlügenç, N İnan, K Tasli, ...
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 272 (1), 231-270, 2007
Cretaceous rifting of the eastern Pontide carbonate platform (NE Turkey): the formation of carbonates breccias and turbidites as evidences of a drowned platform
O Bektaş, C Yılmaz, K Taslı, K Akdağ, S Özgür
Geologia 57 (1-2), 233-244, 1995
The Misis–Andırın Complex: a Mid-Tertiary melange related to late-stage subduction of the Southern Neotethys in S Turkey
A Robertson, ÜC Unlügenç, N İnan, K Taşli
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 22 (5), 413-453, 2004
Subduction, ophiolite genesis and collision history of Tethys adjacent to the Eurasian continental margin: new evidence from the Eastern Pontides, Turkey
A Robertson, O Parlak, T Ustaömer, K Taslı, N İnan, P Dumitrica, ...
Geodinamica Acta 26 (3-4), 230-293, 2013
Late Cretaceous–Early Eocene tectonic development of the Tethyan suture zone in the Erzincan area, Eastern Pontides, Turkey
SP Rice, AHF Robertson, T Ustaömer, N Inan, K Tasli
Geological Magazine 146 (4), 567-590, 2009
Late Cretaceous–Miocene sedimentary development of the Arabian continental margin in SE Turkey (Adıyaman region): Implications for regional palaeogeography and the closure …
A Robertson, SJ Boulton, K Taslı, N Yıldırım, N İnan, A Yıldız, O Parlak
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 115, 571-616, 2016
Benthic foraminiferal assemblages of the Cretaceous platform carbonate succession in the Yavca area (Bolkar Mountains, S Turkey): biostratigraphy and paleoenvironments
K Tasli, E Özer, H Koç
Geobios 39 (4), 521-533, 2006
Biostratigraphic and environmental analysis of the Late Jurassic-Early Cretaceous carbonate sequence in the Başoba Yayla area (Trabzon, Turkey)
K Taslı, E Özer, C Yılmaz
Turkish Journal of Earth Science 8, 125-135, 1999
Benthonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy of the upper cretaceous (middle cenomanian− coniacian) sequences of the bey dağları carbonate platform, Western Taurides, Turkey
B Sari, K Tasli, S Özer
Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences 18 (3), 393-425, 2009
Tectonostratigraphic evolution of the Upper Cretaceous–Cenozoic central Anatolian basins: an integrated study of diachronous ocean basin closure and continental collision
SP Nairn, AHF Robertson, UC Ünlügenç, K Tasli, N İnan
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 372 (1), 343-384, 2013
Upper Jurassic and lower Cretaceous carbonate rocks of the Berdiga Limestone--Sedimentation on an onbound platform with volcanic and episodic siliciclastic influx …
R Koch, II Bucur, MZ Kirmaci, M Eren, K Tasli
Neues Jahrbuch fur Geologie und Palaontologie-Abhandlungen 247 (1), 23-62, 2008
REE characteristics of lower cretaceous limestone succession in gümüşhane, NE Turkey: implications for ocean paleoredox conditions and diagenetic alteration
M Özyurt, MZ Kırmacı, I Al-Aasm, C Hollis, K Taslı, R Kandemir
Minerals 10 (8), 683, 2020
Late Triassic rifting and Jurassic–Cretaceous passive margin development of the Southern Neotethys: evidence from the Adıyaman area, SE Turkey
AHF Robertson, O Parlak, N Yıldırım, P Dumitrica, K Taslı
International Journal of Earth Sciences 105, 167-201, 2016
Biostratigraphy and facies analysis of the Upper Cretaceous–Danian? platform carbonate succession in the Kuyucak area, western Central Taurides, S Turkey
C Solak, K Taslı, H Koç
Cretaceous Research 79, 43-63, 2017
Late Palaeozoic–Cenozoic tectonic development of carbonate platform, margin and oceanic units in the Eastern Taurides, Turkey
AHF Robertson, O Parlak, Y Metin, Ö Vergili, K Tasli, N İnan, H Soycan
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 372 (1), 167-218, 2013
Kilop cretaceous hardground (Kale, Gümüshane, NE Turkey): description and origin
M Eren, K Tasli
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 20 (5), 433-448, 2002
Evidence from the Kyrenia Range, Cyprus, of the northerly active margin of the Southern Neotethys during Late Cretaceous–Early Cenozoic time
AHF Robertson, K Tasli, N Inan
Geological Magazine 149 (2), 264-290, 2012
Laffitteina from the Maastrichtian-Paleocene shallow marine carbonate successions of the Eastern Pontides (NE Turkey): biozonation and microfacies
N Inan, K Tasli, S Inan
Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (2), 367-378, 2005
Les algues Dasycladales du Crétacé inférieur (Calcaire de Berdiga) de Kircaova (région de Kale-Gümüshane, NE Turquie)
II Bucur, R Koch, ZM Kirmaci, K Tasli
Revue de Paléobiologie 19 (2), 435-463, 2000
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