Mathaios Panteli
Cited by
Cited by
Influence of extreme weather and climate change on the resilience of power systems: Impacts and possible mitigation strategies
M Panteli, P Mancarella
Electric Power Systems Research 127, 259-270, 2015
The grid: Stronger, bigger, smarter?: Presenting a conceptual framework of power system resilience
M Panteli, P Mancarella
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 13 (3), 58-66, 2015
Metrics and quantification of operational and infrastructure resilience in power systems
M Panteli, P Mancarella, DN Trakas, E Kyriakides, ND Hatziargyriou
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (6), 4732-4742, 2017
Modeling and evaluating the resilience of critical electrical power infrastructure to extreme weather events
M Panteli, P Mancarella
IEEE Systems Journal 11 (3), 1733-1742, 2015
Power system resilience to extreme weather: Fragility modeling, probabilistic impact assessment, and adaptation measures
M Panteli, C Pickering, S Wilkinson, R Dawson, P Mancarella
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 32 (5), 3747-3757, 2016
Power systems resilience assessment: Hardening and smart operational enhancement strategies
M Panteli, DN Trakas, P Mancarella, ND Hatziargyriou
Proceedings of the IEEE 105 (7), 1202-1213, 2017
Boosting the power grid resilience to extreme weather events using defensive islanding
M Panteli, DN Trakas, P Mancarella, ND Hatziargyriou
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 7 (6), 2913-2922, 2016
Multi-phase assessment and adaptation of power systems resilience to natural hazards
S Espinoza, M Panteli, P Mancarella, H Rudnick
Electric Power Systems Research 136, 352-361, 2016
Benchmarking and validation of cascading failure analysis tools
J Bialek, E Ciapessoni, D Cirio, E Cotilla-Sanchez, C Dent, I Dobson, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (6), 4887-4900, 2016
Situation awareness in power systems: Theory, challenges and applications
M Panteli, DS Kirschen
Electric Power Systems Research 122, 140-151, 2015
Assessing the impact of insufficient situation awareness on power system operation
M Panteli, PA Crossley, DS Kirschen, DJ Sobajic
IEEE Transactions on power systems 28 (3), 2967-2977, 2013
From reliability to resilience: Planning the grid against the extremes
R Moreno, M Panteli, P Mancarella, H Rudnick, T Lagos, A Navarro, ...
IEEE Power and Energy Magazine 18 (4), 41-53, 2020
Methods for analysis and quantification of power system resilience
AM Stanković, KL Tomsovic, F De Caro, M Braun, JH Chow, N Čukalevski, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 38 (5), 4774-4787, 2022
Identifying optimal portfolios of resilient network investments against natural hazards, with applications to earthquakes
T Lagos, R Moreno, AN Espinosa, M Panteli, R Sacaan, F Ordonez, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 35 (2), 1411-1421, 2019
Integrated approach to assess the resilience of future electricity infrastructure networks to climate hazards
G Fu, S Wilkinson, RJ Dawson, HJ Fowler, C Kilsby, M Panteli, ...
IEEE Systems Journal 12 (4), 3169-3180, 2017
Risk and resilience assessment with component criticality ranking of electric power systems subject to earthquakes
S Espinoza, A Poulos, H Rudnick, JC de la Llera, M Panteli, P Mancarella
IEEE Systems Journal 14 (2), 2837-2848, 2020
System-level assessment of reliability and resilience provision from microgrids
Y Zhou, M Panteli, R Moreno, P Mancarella
Applied Energy 230, 374-392, 2018
Assessing the effect of failures in the information and communication infrastructure on power system reliability
M Panteli, DS Kirschen
2011 IEEE/PES Power Systems Conference and Exposition, 1-7, 2011
Designing diversified renewable energy systems to balance multisector performance
JM Gonzalez, JE Tomlinson, EA Martínez Ceseña, M Basheer, E Obuobie, ...
Nature Sustainability 6 (4), 415-427, 2023
Sectionalising methodology for parallel system restoration based on graph theory
J Quirós‐Tortós, M Panteli, P Wall, V Terzija
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 9 (11), 1216-1225, 2015
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Articles 1–20