Le Guer Yves
Le Guer Yves
Laboratoire SIAME - E2S UPPA - Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour - France
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Frontiers of chaotic advection
H Aref, JR Blake, M Budišić, SSS Cardoso, JHE Cartwright, HJH Clercx, ...
Reviews of Modern Physics 89 (2), 025007, 2017
Impact of shape of container on natural convection and melting inside enclosures used for passive cooling of electronic devices
K El Omari, T Kousksou, Y Le Guer
Applied Thermal Engineering 31 (14-15), 3022-3035, 2011
Heat exchanger design based on chaotic advection
H Peerhossaini, C Castelain, Y Le Guer
Experimental thermal and fluid science 7 (4), 333-344, 1993
Experimental study of chaotic advection regime in a twisted duct flow
C Castelain, A Mokrani, Y Le Guer, H Peerhossaini
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 20 (2), 205-232, 2001
Alternate rotating walls for thermal chaotic mixing
K El Omari, Y Le Guer
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 53 (1-3), 123-134, 2010
Effect of heating rate and sample geometry on the apparent specific heat capacity: DSC applications
T Kousksou, A Jamil, K El Omari, Y Zeraouli, Y Le Guer
Thermochimica acta 519 (1-2), 59-64, 2011
Timescales of water accumulation in magmas and implications for short warning times of explosive eruptions
M Petrelli, K El Omari, L Spina, Y Le Guer, G La Spina, D Perugini
Nature communications 9 (1), 770, 2018
Order breaking in Dean flow
Y Le Guer, H Peerhossaini
Physics of Fluids A: Fluid Dynamics 3 (5), 1029-1032, 1991
A low‐energy emulsification batch mixer for concentrated oil‐in‐water emulsions
S Caubet, Y Le Guer, B Grassl, K El Omari, E Normandin
AIChE journal 57 (1), 27-39, 2011
Thermal chaotic mixing of power-law fluids in a mixer with alternately rotating walls
K El Omari, Y Le Guer
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 165 (11-12), 641-651, 2010
Analysis of micro-dispersed PCM-composite boards behavior in a building's wall for different seasons
K El Omari, Y Le Guer, P Bruel
Journal of building engineering 7, 361-371, 2016
Laminar flow emulsification process to control the viscosity reduction of heavy crude oils
S Fournanty, YL Guer, KE Omari, JP Dejean
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology 29 (10), 1355-1366, 2008
A numerical study of the longitudinal thermoconvective rolls in a mixed convection flow in a horizontal channel with a free surface
L Bammou, K El Omari, S Blancher, Y Le Guer, B Benhamou, T Mediouni
International journal of heat and fluid flow 42, 265-277, 2013
A mapping tool using anisotropic unstructured meshes to study mixing in periodic flows
Y Le Guer, É Schall
Chemical engineering science 59 (7), 1459-1472, 2004
Numerical study of thermal chaotic mixing in a two rod rotating mixer
K El Omari, Y Le Guer
Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal 1 (1), 2009
Dynamics of a bifurcating flow within an open heated cavity
L Lalanne, Y Le Guer, R Creff
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 40 (1), 1-10, 2001
Effects of chaotic advection on the timescales of cooling and crystallization of magma bodies at mid crustal levels
M Petrelli, K El Omari, Y Le Guer, D Perugini
Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 17 (2), 425-441, 2016
Rayleigh–Bénard–Marangoni convection in an open cylindrical container heated by a non-uniform flux
RE Sakhy, K El Omari, Y Le Guer, S Blancher
International journal of thermal sciences 86, 198-209, 2014
Chaotic advection for thermal mixing
Y Le Guer, K El Omari
Advances in applied mechanics 45, 189-237, 2012
Forced convective heat transfer in supercooled phase-change material suspensions with stochastic crystallization
T Kousksou, T El Rhafiki, K El Omari, Y Zeraouli, Y Le Guer
International journal of refrigeration 33 (8), 1569-1582, 2010
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Articles 1–20