Onur Can Begentas
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Cited by
Generation and characterization of human induced pluripotent stem cell line METUi001-A from a 25-year-old male patient with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
OC Begentas, D Koc, S Yurtogullari, M Temel, KC Akcali, S Demirkaya, ...
Stem Cell Research 53, 102370, 2021
Establishment of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells from Multiple Sclerosis Patients
OC Begentas, D Koc, E Kiris
Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells and Human Disease: Methods and Protocols, 43-67, 2022
Generation and characterization of human induced pluripotent stem cell line METUi002-A from a patient with primary familial brain calcification (PFBC) carrying a heterozygous …
OC Begentas, D Koc, NK Sendur, P Besarat, S Ezgin, M Temel, HAT Bora, ...
Stem Cell Research 72, 103226, 2023
Astrocytes in Primary Familial Brain Calcification (PFBC): Emphasis on the Importance of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Human Astrocyte Models
E Kavakli, N Gul, OC Begentas, E Kiris
Generation and Characterization of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell Lines From Multiple Sclerosis Patients and Healthy Individuals
OC Begentaş
Middle East Technical University, 2021
Generation and characterization of human induced pluripotent stem cell line METUi001-A from a 25-year-old male patient with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis
D Koc, OC Begentaş, S Yurtogullari, M Temel, KC Akcali, S Demirkaya, ...
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