Erdinc Kaluc
Erdinc Kaluc
Kocaeli Üniversitesi Makina Mühendisliği Profesörü
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Effect of the ion nitriding surface hardening process on fatigue behavior of AISI 4340 steel
SY Sirin, K Sirin, E Kaluc
Materials Characterization 59 (4), 351-358, 2008
Mechanical and microstructural properties of robotic Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) welded 5083-H111 and 6082-T651 aluminum alloys
B Gungor, E Kaluc, E Taban, SIK Aydin
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 54, 207-211, 2014
Mechanical, fatigue and microstructural properties of friction stir welded 5083-H111 and 6082-T651 aluminum alloys
B Gungor, E Kaluc, E Taban, A Sik
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 56, 84-90, 2014
Laser welding of modified 12% Cr stainless steel: Strength, fatigue, toughness, microstructure and corrosion properties
E Taban, E Deleu, A Dhooge, E Kaluc
Materials & design 30 (4), 1193-1200, 2009
Effects of tool rotation and pin diameter on fatigue properties of friction stir welded lap joints
MK Kulekci, A Şik, E Kaluç
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 36, 877-882, 2008
Comparison between microstructure characteristics and joint performance of 5086-H32 aluminium alloy welded by MIG, TIG and friction stir welding processes
E Taban, E Kaluc
Kovove Materialy 45 (5), 241, 2007
Örtülü elektrod ile elektrik ark kaynağı
S Anık, K Tülbentçi, E Kaluç
Gedik Holding, 1991
Effects of welding processes on the mechanical properties of HY 80 steel weldments
P Yayla, E Kaluc, K Ural
Materials & design 28 (6), 1898-1906, 2007
Microstructural and mechanical properties of double-sided MIG, TIG and friction stir welded 5083-H321 aluminium alloy
E Taban, E Kaluc
Kovove Materialy 44 (1), 25, 2006
Structural surface characterization of ion nitrided AISI 4340 steel
SY Sirin, E Kaluc
Materials & Design (1980-2015) 36, 741-747, 2012
Welding behaviour of duplex and superduplex stainless steels using laser and plasma arc welding processes
E Taban, E Kaluc
Welding in the World 55, 48-57, 2011
Friction stir spot welding of aluminum alloys: a recent review
OO Ojo, E Taban, E Kaluc
Materials Testing 57 (7-8), 609-627, 2015
Experimental comparison of MIG and friction stir welding processes for EN AW-6061-T6 (Al Mg1 Si Cu) aluminium alloy
MK Kulekci, E Kaluç, A Sik, O Basturk
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 35 (1B), 322, 2010
Hybrid (plasma+ gas tungsten arc) weldability of modified 12% Cr ferritic stainless steel
E Taban, E Kaluc, A Dhooge
Materials & Design 30 (10), 4236-4242, 2009
Understanding the role of welding parameters and tool profile on the morphology and properties of expelled flash of spot welds
OO Oladimeji, E Taban, E Kaluc
Materials & Design 108, 518-528, 2016
Plasma arc welding of modified 12% Cr stainless steel
E Taban, A Dhooge, E Kaluc
Materials and Manufacturing Processes 24 (6), 649-656, 2009
Evaluation of dissimilar welds between ferritic stainless steel modified 12% Cr and carbon steel S355
E Taban, E Deleu, A Dhooge, E Kaluc
Welding Journal 87 (12), 291-297, 2008
Gas metal arc welding of modified X2CrNi12 ferritic stainless steel
E Taban, E Deleu, A Dhooge, E Kaluc
Kovove Materialy-Metallic Materials 45 (2), 67-74, 2007
Paslanmaz çelikler ve kaynaklanabilirliği
E Kaluç, K Tülbentçi
Seminer Notları, Kocaeli Üniversitesi Kaynak Teknolojisi Araştırma, Eğitim …, 1995
Influence of the interpass temperature on t8/5 and the mechanical properties of submerged arc welded pipe
K Sirin, SY Sirin, E Kaluc
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 238, 152-159, 2016
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Articles 1–20