Elbrous M. Jafarov
Elbrous M. Jafarov
Professor of Aerospace and Control Engineering, Istanbul Technical University
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A new variable structure PID-controller design for robot manipulators
EM Jafarov, MNA Parlakçi, Y Istefanopulos
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 13 (1), 122-130, 2004
Robust sliding-mode control for the uncertain MIMO aircraft model F-18
EM Jafarov, R Tasaltin
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 36 (4), 1127-1141, 2000
Robust and global attitude stabilization of magnetically actuated spacecraft through sliding mode
A Sofyalı, EM Jafarov, R Wisniewski
Aerospace Science and Technology 76, 91-104, 2018
Design modification of sliding mode observers for uncertain MIMO systems without and with time‐delay
EM Jafarov
Asian Journal of Control 7 (4), 380-392, 2005
PID parameter optimization of an UAV longitudinal flight control system
K Turkoglu, U Ozdemir, M Nikbay, E Jafarov
International Journal of Mechanical, Industrial Science and Engineering 2 (9 …, 2008
Robust sliding mode controllers design techniques for stabilization of multivariable time-delay systems with parameter perturbations and external disturbances
EM Jafarov*
International Journal of Systems Science 36 (7), 433-444, 2005
Analysis and synthesis of multidimensional SVS with delays in sliding modes
EM Jafarov
Proc. 11th IFAC World Congress 6, 46-49, 1990
Variable structure control and time-delay systems
EM Jafarov
A Series of Reference Books and Textbooks, Europe Office, 2009
Integral sliding mode control of small satellite attitude motion by purely magnetic actuation
A Sofyalı, EM Jafarov
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 47 (3), 7947-7953, 2014
Robust stabilization of spacecraft attitude motion under magnetic control through time‐varying integral sliding mode
A Sofyalı, EM Jafarov
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (11), 3446-3468, 2019
Hinf loop shaping robust control vs. classical PI (D) control: A case study on the longitudinal dynamics of hezarfen UAV
K Turkoglu, EM Jafarov
Proceedings of the 2nd WSEAS International Conference on Dynamical Systems …, 2006
Design of robust autopilot‐output integral sliding mode controllers for guided missile systems with parameter perturbations
EM Jafarov, R Tasaltin
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 73 (1), 16-26, 2001
Purely magnetic spacecraft attitude control by using classical and modified sliding mode algorithms
A Sofyali, EM Jafarov
2012 12th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, 117-123, 2012
Augmented optimal LQR control system design for the longitudinal flight dynamics of an UAV: Inner and outer loop concepts
K Turkoglu, EM Jafarov
Proceedings of the 9th WSEAS International Conference on Automatic Control …, 2007
Robust reduced-order sliding mode observer design
EM Jafarov
International Journal of Systems Science 42 (4), 567-577, 2011
Design of sliding mode control for multi-input systems with multiple state delays
EM Jafarov
Proceedings of the 2000 American Control Conference. ACC (IEEE Cat. No …, 2000
New sliding mode attitude controller design based on lumped disturbance bound equation
A Sofyalı, EM Jafarov
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 31 (1), 04017082, 2018
Robust sliding mode speed hold control system design for full nonlinear aircraft model with parameter uncertainties: A step beyond
E Abdulhamitbilal, EM Jafarov
2012 12th International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, 7-15, 2012
Performances comparison of linear and sliding mode attitude controllers for flexible spacecraft with reaction wheels
E Abdulhamitbilal, EM Jafarov
International Workshop on Variable Structure Systems, 2006. VSS'06., 351-358, 2006
Robust stabilization of input‐delayed systems with design example for rocket motor control
EM Jafarov
Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 80 (1), 59-65, 2008
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Articles 1–20