Turgay Şişman
Turgay Şişman
Atatürk Üniversitesi Fen Fakültesi Moleküler Biyoloji ve Genetik Bölümü
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Use of waste chicken feathers as peptone for production of carotenoids in submerged culture of Rhodotorula glutinis MT-5
M Taskin, T Sisman, S Erdal, EB Kurbanoglu
European Food Research and Technology 233, 657-665, 2011
Toxicologic evaluation of imazalil with particular reference to genotoxic and teratogenic potentials
T Şişman, H Türkez
Toxicology and industrial health 26 (10), 641-648, 2010
A morpho-histopathological study in the digestive tract of three fish species influenced with heavy metal pollution
H Dane, T Şi̇şman
Chemosphere 242, 125212, 2020
Dichlorvos-induced developmental toxicity in zebrafish
T Şişman
Toxicology and Industrial Health 26 (9), 567-573, 2010
The histopathological effects of copper sulphate on rainbow trout liver (Oncorhynchus mykiss).
M Atamanalp, T Sisman, F Geyikoglu, A Topal
Early life stage and genetic toxicity of stannous chloride on zebrafish embryos and adults: toxic effects of tin on zebrafish
T Şişman
Environmental toxicology 26 (3), 240-249, 2011
Histopathological changes in gill and liver of Capoeta capoeta living in the Karasu River, Erzurum
H Dane, T Şişman
Environmental toxicology 30 (8), 904-917, 2015
Early life-stage toxicity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) following embryonal exposure to selected polychlorinated biphenyls
T Şişman, F Geyikoğlu, M Atamanalp
Toxicology and industrial health 23 (9), 529-536, 2007
Developmental toxicity induced by Cu(OH)2 nanopesticide in zebrafish embryos
FI Aksakal, T Sisman
Environmental toxicology 35 (12), 1289-1298, 2020
A histopathological study on the freshwater fish species chub (Squalius cephalus) in the Karasu River, Turkey
Turkish Journal of Zoology 41 (1), 1-11, 2017
Anti-genotoxic effect of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate on genotoxicity to human lymphocytes induced by aflatoxin B1
H Türkez, T Şişman
Toxicology and Industrial Health 23 (2), 83-89, 2007
Single-cell protein as an alternative food for zebrafish, Danio rerio: a toxicological assessment
T Şişman, Ö Gür, N Doğan, M Özdal, ÖF Algur, T Ergon
Toxicology and industrial health 29 (9), 792-799, 2013
Effects of heavy metal pollution on hepatosomatic ındex and vital organ histology inAlburnus mossulensis from Karasu River
H Dane, T Şişman
Turkish Journal of Veterinary & Animal Sciences 44 (3), 607-617, 2020
Determination of acute and early life stage toxicity of fat‐plant effluent using zebrafish (Danio rerio)
T Şişman, Ü İncekara, YŞ Yıldız
Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 23 (4), 480-486, 2008
Heavy metal accumulation in some aquatic insects (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) and tissues of Chondrostoma regium (Heckel, 1843) relevant to their concentration …
Z Aydoğan, T Şişman, Ü İncekara, A Gürol
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24 (10), 9566-9574, 2017
The genoprotective activity of resveratrol on aflatoxin B1-induced DNA damage in human lymphocytes in vitro
H Türkez, T Şişman
Toxicology and Industrial Health 28 (5), 474-480, 2012
Marsh frog (Pelophylax ridibundus) as a bioindicator to assess pollution in an agricultural area
T Şişman, MÇ Keskin, H Dane, Ş Adil, F Geyikoğlu, S Çolak, E Canpolat
Pakistan Journal of Zoology 53 (1), 337-349, 2021
Role of Peltigera rufescens (Weis) Humb. (a lichen) on imazalil-induced genotoxicity: analysis of micronucleus and chromosome aberrations in vitro
H Türkez, E Aydın, T Şişman, A Aslan
Toxicology and Industrial Health 28 (6), 492-498, 2012
The teratogenic effects of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) on early development of the zebrafish (Danio rerio)
T Şişman, F Geyikoğlu
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 25 (1), 83-88, 2008
Assessment of heavy metal bioaccumulation in some tissues of Leuciscus cephalus from Karasu River, Erzurum-Turkey
H Kalkan, T Şişman, D Kılıç
Austin J Environ Toxicol 1 (1), 1004, 2015
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Articles 1–20