Osman Taha Sen
Osman Taha Sen
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University
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Order domain analysis of speed-dependent friction-induced torque in a brake experiment
OT Sen, JT Dreyer, R Singh
Journal of sound and vibration 331 (23), 5040-5053, 2012
Envelope and order domain analyses of a nonlinear torsional system decelerating under multiple order frictional torque
OT Sen, JT Dreyer, R Singh
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 35 (1-2), 324-344, 2013
Stability Analysis of a mass-sliding belt system and experimental validation as motivated by the brake squeal problem
A Yavuz, OT Sen
Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies 12 (1), 395-414, 2024
Low frequency dynamics of a translating friction element in the presence of frictional guides, as motivated by a brake vibration problem
OT Sen, JT Dreyer, R Singh
Journal of Sound and Vibration 332 (22), 5766-5788, 2013
Dynamics of a simplified nonlinear model offering insights into the hammering type brake squeal initiation process
OT Sen, R Singh
Noise Control Engineering Journal 69 (3), 243-261, 2021
Feasibility of controlling speed-dependent low-frequency brake vibration amplification by modulating actuation pressure
OT Sen, JT Dreyer, R Singh
Journal of Sound and Vibration 333 (24), 6332-6348, 2014
An improved brake squeal source model in the presence of kinematic and friction nonlinearities
OT Sen, JT Dreyer, R Singh
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 247 (8), 438-446, 2013
Effect of disc-pad contact modification on the brake judder source using a simplified elasto-kinematic model
J Dreyer, J Drabison, J Liette, R Singh, OT Sen
SAE Technical Paper, 2013
Case study: Identification of brake squeal source mechanism through experimental and computational approaches
OT Sen, R Singh
Noise Control Engineering Journal 68 (1), 21-37, 2020
Insight into brake squeal source mechanism considering kinematic nonlinearity and pad-disc separation
OT Sen, R Singh
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 250 (6), 594-601, 2015
Investigation of the pad stiffness effects on the initiation of brake squeal phenomenon
A Yavuz, O Sen
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics 61 (2), 2023
Particle Swarm Optimization Method Based Controller Tuning for Adaptive Cruise Control Application.
E Ozkaya, H Arslan, OT SEN
Gazi University Journal of Science 34 (2), 2021
Development and performance assessment of different squeal index metrics based on experimental data
A Yavuz, OT Sen
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of …, 2024
Assessment of fuzzy logic approach for the prediction of dynamic stability on a mass-sliding belt experiment
A Yavuz, OT Sen
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 44 (4), 6249-6264, 2023
A Fuzzy Logic Approach on the Evaluation of Driving Styles and Investigation of Drivability Calibration Effects
S Aksıt, A Yavuz, OT Şen
Gazi University Journal of Science 35 (2), 668-680, 2022
Assessment of point and line contact stiffness formulations leading to the initiation of hammering type brake squeal
OT Sen, R Singh
Noise Control Engineering Journal 69 (2), 146-161, 2021
A Multiscale Cylinder Bore Honing Pattern Lubrication Model for Improved Engine Friction
OT Sen, O Akalin
SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants 12 (3), 155-166, 2019
Energy exchange between two sub-systems coupled with a nonlinear elastic path
OT Sen, R Singh
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 257 (1), 387-398, 2018
Experimental and computational investigation of disc brake squeal
OA Tozkoparan, H Yenerer, OT Sen, S Gunes, B Ozmen, M Haack, ...
INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings 255 (2), 5799-5808, 2017
Suppression of multiple order friction torque fluctuations with modulated actuation pressure
OT Sen, JT Dreyer, R Singh
Nonlinear Dynamics, Volume 2: Proceedings of the 32nd IMAC, A Conference and …, 2014
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Articles 1–20