David W Eccles
Cited by
Cited by
Perceptual‐cognitive expertise in sport and its acquisition: Implications for applied cognitive psychology
AM Williams, PR Ford, DW Eccles, P Ward
Applied Cognitive Psychology 25 (3), 432-442, 2011
Why an expert team is more than a team of experts: A social-cognitive conceptualization of team coordination and communication in sport
DW Eccles, G Tenenbaum
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 26 (4), 542-560, 2004
The think aloud method: what is it and how do I use it?
DW Eccles, G Arsal
Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health 9 (4), 514-531, 2017
The effect of manipulating context‐specific information on perceptual–cognitive processes during a simulated anticipation task
AP McRobert, P Ward, DW Eccles, AM Williams
British Journal of Psychology 102 (3), 519-534, 2011
Training perceptual-cognitive skills: Can sport psychology research inform military decision training?
P Ward, D Farrow, KR Harris, AM Williams, DW Eccles, KA Ericsson
Military Psychology 20 (sup1), S71-S102, 2008
Tracing the process of expertise in a simulated anticipation task
AP McRobert, AM Williams, P Ward, DW Eccles
Ergonomics 52 (4), 474-483, 2009
Intrateam communication and performance in doubles tennis
D Lausic, G Tennebaum, D Eccles, A Jeong, T Johnson
Research quarterly for exercise and sport 80 (2), 281-290, 2009
Visual attention in orienteers at different levels of experience
DW Eccles, SE Walsh, DK Ingledew
Journal of sports sciences 24 (1), 77-87, 2006
A grounded theory of expert cognition in orienteering
DW Eccles, SE Walsh, DK Ingledew
Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology 24 (1), 68-88, 2002
Skill-based differences in option generation in a complex task: A verbal protocol analysis
P Ward, J Suss, DW Eccles, AM Williams, KR Harris
Cognitive processing 12, 289-300, 2011
The coordination of labour in sports teams
D Eccles
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology 3 (2), 154-170, 2010
Use of relaxation skills in differentially skilled athletes
K Kudlackova, DW Eccles, K Dieffenbach
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 14 (4), 468-475, 2013
A social‐cognitive perspective on team functioning in sport
DW Eccles, G Tenenbaum
Handbook of sport psychology, 264-283, 2007
A commentary on “team cognition and expert teams: Emerging insights into performance for exceptional teams”
P Ward, DW Eccles
Taylor & Francis Group 4 (4), 463-483, 2006
Emotions, coping strategies, and performance: A conceptual framework for defining affect-related performance zones
G Tenenbaum, WA Edmonds, DW Eccles
Military Psychology 20 (sup1), S11-S37, 2008
Competition-specific preparation and expert performance
DW Eccles, P Ward, T Woodman
Psychology of Sport and Exercise 10 (1), 96-107, 2009
Verbal reports of cognitive processes.
DW Eccles
Human Kinetics, 2012
Managing pressure: patterns of appraisals and coping strategies of non-elite and elite athletes during competition
L Calmeiro, G Tenenbaum, DW Eccles
Journal of sports sciences 32 (19), 1813-1820, 2014
Getting them on the same page: Strategies for enhancing coordination and communication in sports teams
DW Eccles, KB Tran
Journal of Sport Psychology in Action 3 (1), 30-40, 2012
The use of heuristics during route planning by expert and novice orienteers
DW Eccles, SE Walsh, DK Ingledew
Journal of Sports Sciences 20 (4), 327-337, 2002
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Articles 1–20