Burak Birol
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Cited by
Investigation of photocatalytic properties of TiO2 nanoparticle coating on fly ash and red mud based porous ceramic substrate
M Özcan, B Birol, F Kaya
Ceramics International 47 (17), 24270-24280, 2021
Characterization of ferrochrome ash and blast furnace slag based alkali-activated paste and mortar
T Omur, N Miyan, N Kabay, B Birol, D Oktay
Construction and Building Materials 363, 129805, 2023
Recovery of cobalt as CoS from spent Li-ion batteries and investigation of its use as an electrode material for supercapacitors
S Yasa, B Birol, M Gencten
New Journal of Chemistry 47 (13), 6224-6234, 2023
Improving wear and corrosion protection of AISI 304 stainless steel by Al2O3-TiO2 hybrid coating via sol-gel process
R Gecu, B Birol, M Özcan
Transactions of the IMF 100 (6), 324-332, 2022
Estimation Model for Electrical Conductivity of Molten CaF2-Al2O3-CaO Slags Based on Optical Basicity
B Birol, G Polat, MN Saridede
JOM 67, 427-435, 2015
Recycling valuable materials from the cathodes of spent lithium-ion batteries: A comprehensive review
S Yasa, O Aydin, M Al-Bujasim, B Birol, M Gencten
Journal of Energy Storage 73, 109073, 2023
The effect of reduction parameters on iron nugget production from composite pellets
B Birol, MN Saridede
Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review 34 (4), 195-201, 2013
Production of ZnS based supercapacitor electrode material from ferrochrome ash waste
O Aydin, B Birol, M Gencten
Ionics 29 (8), 3335-3352, 2023
Divriği pelet konsantresinden kompozit pelet ve demir tanesi üretimi
B Birol
Yüksek Lisans Tezi, YTÜ, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, İstanbul, 2007
Recovery of cobalt based materials from spent Li-ion batteries and their use as electrode material for supercapacitor
S Yasa, B Birol, KB Donmez, M Gencten
Journal of Energy Storage 81, 110291, 2024
Influence of layer number and sintering temperature on microstructural, tribological, and corrosion behavior of Al2O3–TiO2 multilayer coatings
FS Eraslan, IC Turu, M Ozcan, B Birol, R Gecu
Ceramics International 49 (20), 33226-33235, 2023
The potential usage of waste ferrochrome slag in alkali-activated mixes
N Miyan, T Omur, N Kabay, B Birol
Journal of Building Engineering 75, 107026, 2023
Investigating the utilization of blast furnace flue dusts and mill scale as raw materials in iron nugget production
B Birol
Materials Research Express 6 (8), 0865d1, 2019
Utilization of waste polyethylene terephthalate as a reducing agent in the reduction of iron ore composite pellets
G Polat, B Birol, MN Sarıdede
International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 21, 748-754, 2014
Pre-beneficiation of low grade diasporic bauxite ore by reduction roasting
K Yılmaz, B Birol, MN Sarıdede, E Yiğit
International Journal of Materials and Metallurgical Engineering 9 (9), 1084 …, 2015
Özel Alüminalar 2 Alüminyum Hidroksit ve Aktif Alüminalar
B Birol, M Sarıdede
Metalurji, 2006
Direct microwave leaching conditions of rare earth elements in fluorescent wastes
A Bilen, B Birol, MN Saridede, ŞS Kaplan, MŞ Sönmez
Journal of Rare Earths 42 (6), 1165-1174, 2024
Özel Alüminalar-1 Kalsine Alüminalar
Investigation of magnetite concentrate utilization as reinforcement in aluminum matrix composites
B Birol, B Süngü Misirlioğlu, Ö ÇAKIR
Journal of Composite Materials 56 (25), 3897-3910, 2022
Removal of Cu (II) Ions from Aqueous Solutions by Ferrochrome Ash: Investigation of Mechanism and Kinetics
E Uğurlu, B Birol, M Gencten, Y Bayrak
Water 15 (6), 1063, 2023
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Articles 1–20