Cihelio Alves Amorim
Cihelio Alves Amorim
WasserCluster Lunz - Biologische Station GmbH
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Ecological impacts of freshwater algal blooms on water quality, plankton biodiversity, structure, and ecosystem functioning
CA Amorim, A do Nascimento Moura
Science of the Total Environment 758, 143605, 2021
Freshwater salinisation: a research agenda for a saltier world
D Cunillera-Montcusí, M Beklioðlu, M Cañedo-Argüelles, E Jeppesen, ...
Trends in Ecology & Evolution 37 (5), 440-453, 2022
Cyanobacterial blooms in freshwater bodies from a semiarid region, Northeast Brazil: A review
Journal of Limnology 77 (2), 179-188, 2018
Effects of the manipulation of submerged macrophytes, large zooplankton, and nutrients on a cyanobacterial bloom: A mesocosm study in a tropical shallow reservoir
CA Amorim, AN Moura
Environmental Pollution 265, 114997, 2020
Modeling cyanobacterial blooms in tropical reservoirs: The role of physicochemical variables and trophic interactions
CA Amorim, ÊW Dantas, A do Nascimento Moura
Science of the Total Environment 744, 140659, 2020
Allelopathic effects of the aquatic macrophyte Ceratophyllum demersum L. on phytoplankton species: contrasting effects between cyanobacteria and chlorophytes
CA Amorim, RH Moura-Falcão, CR Valença, VR Souza, AN Moura
Acta Limnologica Brasiliensia 31 (e21), 1-10, 2019
Seasonal variations of morpho-functional phytoplankton groups influence the top-down control of a cladoceran in a tropical hypereutrophic lake
CA Amorim, CR Valença, RH de Moura-Falcão, A do Nascimento Moura
Aquatic Ecology, 1-12, 2019
Biometric and physiological responses of Egeria densa Planch. cultivated with toxic and non-toxic strains of Microcystis
CA Amorim, C Ulisses, AN Moura
Aquatic Toxicology 191, 201-208, 2017
Increased water abstraction and climate change have substantial effect on morphometry, salinity, and biotic communities in lakes: examples from the semi-arid burdur Basin (Turkey)
MA Çolak, B Öztaþ, ÝK Özgencil, M Soyluer, M Korkmaz, A Ramírez-García, ...
Water 14 (8), 1241, 2022
Advances in limnological research in Earth's drylands
LG Barbosa, CA Amorim, G Parra, J Laco Portinho, M Morais, EA Morales, ...
Inland Waters, 1-9, 2020
Habitat templates of phytoplankton functional groups in tropical reservoirs as a tool to understand environmental changes
CA Amorim, AN Moura
Hydrobiologia 849 (5), 1095-1113, 2022
Laço Portinho, J
LG Barbosa, CA Amorim, G Parra
Morais, M, 429-437, 2020
Variação temporal da comunidade fitoplanctônica no reservatório Rosário/CE
FHR Lucas, AR Júnior, CA Amorim, AR de Souza Costa, FC Cavalcante, ...
Cadernos de Cultura e Ciência 14 (2), 35-43, 2015
Moura, AdN Seasonal variations of morpho-functional phytoplankton groups influence the top-down control of a cladoceran in a tropical hypereutrophic lake
CA Amorim, CR Valenca
Aquat. Ecol 53, 453-464, 2019
Impact of zooplankton grazing on phytoplankton in north temperate coastal lakes: Changes along gradients in salinity and nutrients
I Christensen, LK Pedersen, M Søndergaard, TL Lauridsen, S Tserenpil, ...
Hydrobiologia 850 (20), 4609-4626, 2023
Mesocosm Design and Implementation of Two Synchronized Case Study Experiments to Determine the Impacts of Salinization and Climate Change on the Structure and Functioning of …
K Özkan, M Korkmaz, CA Amorim, G Yýlmaz, M Koru, Y Can, JP Pacheco, ...
Water 15 (14), 2611, 2023
Effects of Climate Change on the Habitat Suitability and Distribution of Endemic Freshwater Fish Species in Semi-Arid Central Anatolian Ecoregion in Türkiye
M Korkmaz, F Mangýt, Ý Dumlupýnar, MA Çolak, MB Akpýnar, M Koru, ...
Water 15 (8), 1619, 2023
A new species of Evolvulus (Convolvulaceae): a rare and threatened species from the Brazilian Cerrado, a Neotropical biodiversity hotspot
D Santos, C Amorim, MJ da Silva, MT Buril
Systematic Botany 47 (4), 1094-1099, 2022
Microalgas perifíticas associadas à Nymphoides indica (L.) O. Kuntze em um reservatório do semiárido cearense
CA Amorim, FHR Lucas, AJ Rangel, KJ do Nascimento, MIL Góes, ...
Cad. Cult. Cienc 14, 9-23, 2015
Caracterização da comunidade de microalgas perifíticas em um reservatório do semiárido Cearense
AR de Souza Costa, CA Amorim, KJ do Nascimento, AS Dias, RJ Ferreira, ...
Cadernos de Cultura e Ciência 14 (1), 43-54, 2015
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Articles 1–20