Nevena Kulic
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Cited by
Social Background and Children's Cognitive Skills: The Role of Early Childhood Education and Care in a Cross-National Perspective
N Kulic, J Skopek, M Triventi, HP Blossfeld
Annual Review of Sociology 45, 2019
Childcare, early education and social inequality: An international perspective
HP Blossfeld, N Kulic, J Skopek, M Triventi
Edward Elgar Publishing, 2017
Advantage ‘finds its way’: How privileged families exploit opportunities in different systems of secondary education
M Triventi, J Skopek, N Kulic, S Buchholz, HP Blossfeld
Sociology 54 (2), 237-257, 2020
Economic disturbances in the COVID-19 crisis and their gendered impact on unpaid activities in Germany and Italy
N Kulic, GM Dotti Sani, S Strauss, L Bellani
European Societies 23 (sup1), S400-S416, 2021
Secondary school systems and inequality of educational opportunity in contemporary societies
M Triventi, N Kulic, J Skopek, HP Blossfeld
Models of secondary education and social inequality, 3-24, 2016
Gender quotas or girls’ networks? Evidence from an Italian research selection
D Checchi, S Cicognani, N Kulic
Work, Employment and Society 33 (3), 462-482, 2019
Manage Your Money, Be Satisfied? Money Management Practices and Financial Satisfaction of Couples Through the Lens of Gender
N Kulic, A Minello, S Zella
Journal of Family Issues, 2019
Varieties of secondary education models and social inequality–Conclusions from a large-scale international comparison
M Triventi, J Skopek, N Kulic, S Buchholz, HP Blossfeld
Models of Secondary Education and Social Inequality: An International …, 2016
Conditions and Consequences of Unequal Educational Opportunities in the Life Course: Results from the Cross-National Comparative eduLIFE Project
SB Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Nevena Kulic, Jan Skopek, Moris Triventi, Elina ...
KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, pp 1–30, 2019
Onwards or upwards?–The role of subject choice and schools in there production of educational inequality in England
P McMullin, N Kulic
Models of Secondary Education and Social Inequality, 213-232, 2016
European women: The link between money, career, and financial satisfaction
N Kulic
European Sociological Review 30 (3), 287-301, 2014
Requiem for a dream: Perceived economic conditions and subjective well-being in times of prosperity and economic crisis
R Fernandez-Urbano, N Kulic
Social Indicators Research 151 (3), 793-813, 2020
Childcare, early education, and social inequality: Perspectives for a cross-national and multidisciplinary study
N Kulic, J Skopek, M Triventi, HP Blossfeld
Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality: An International …, 2017
Within-couple distribution of economic resources. A critical review of extant studies and avenues for future research
N Kulic, GM Dotti Sani
Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 0-0, 2020
Double standards? Co-authorship and gender bias in early-stage academic evaluations
K Gërxhani, N Kulic, F Liechti
European Sociological Review 39 (2), 194-209, 2023
Disuguaglianze e differenze nell’abitare
C Daminato, N Kulic
Saraceno C., Sartor N., Sciortino G.(2013, a cura di), Stranieri e disuguali …, 2013
The type and duration of family unions and income sharing: The implications for women's economic well-being
N Kulic
The Journal of Socio-Economics 44, 7-15, 2013
Kinship, inter- and intraethnic social networks and refugees' division of housework
Y Kosyakova, N Kulic
Journal of Family Research, 1-21, 2022
Who cares for the children? Family social position and childcare arrangements in Italy, 2002–12
Y Brilli, N Kulic, M Triventi
Childcare, Early Education and Social Inequality, 31-48, 2017
Protected through Part-time Employment? Labor Market Status, Domestic Responsibilities, and the Life Satisfaction of German Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic
A Bertogg, N Kulic, S Strauss
Social Politics: International Studies in Gender, State & Society, 2022
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Articles 1–20