Abidin Kaya
Cited by
Cited by
New extremal and optimal binary self-dual codes from quadratic residue codes over F_2 + uF_2 + u^2F_2",
A Kaya, B Yildiz, I Siap
Algerian Turkish International days on Mathematics 2013, Istanbul,, 2013
Constructions for self-dual codes induced from group rings
J Gildea, A Kaya, R Taylor, B Yildiz
Finite Fields and Their Applications 51, 71-92, 2018
Quadratic residue codes over Fp+ vFp and their Gray images
A Kaya, B Yildiz, I Siap
Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra 218 (11), 1999-2011, 2014
Extension Theorems for self-dual codes over rings and new binary self-dual codes
A Kaya, B Yildiz
ICM 2014 Satellite conference on algebraic coding theory, Seoul, South Korea, 2014
New extremal binary self-dual codes from a modified four circulant construction
A Kaya, B Yildiz, A Pasa
Discrete Mathematics 339 (3), 1086-1094, 2016
Bordered constructions of self-dual codes from group rings and new extremal binary self-dual codes
ST Dougherty, J Gildea, A Korban, A Kaya, A Tylyshchak, B Yildiz
Finite Fields and Their Applications 57, 108-127, 2019
Quadruple bordered constructions of self-dual codes from group rings
S Dougherty, J Gildea, A Kaya
Cryptography and Communications, 2019
New extremal binary self-dual codes from F4+ uF4-lifts of quadratic circulant codes over F4
A Kaya, B Yildiz, I Siap
Finite Fields and Their Applications 35, 318-329, 2015
Cyclic Isodual and Formally Self-dual Codes over F_q+ vF_q
A Batoul, K Guenda, A Kaya, B Yildiz
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 8 (1), 64-80, 2015
Composite constructions of self-dual codes from group rings and new extremal self-dual binary codes of length 68
ST Dougherty, J Gildea, A Korban, A Kaya
Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 0, 2020
Constructing self-dual codes from group rings and reverse circulant matrices
J Gildea, A Korban, A Kaya, B Yildiz
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 15 (3), 471-485, 2021
New extremal binary self-dual codes of lengths 64 and 66 from R2-lifts
A Kaya
Finite Fields and Their Applications 46, 271-279, 2017
New extremal self-dual binary codes of length 68 via composite construction, 𝔽2 + u𝔽2 lifts, extensions and neighbours
ST Dougherty, J Gildea, A Korban, A Kaya
International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 5 (3-4), 211-226, 2020
Composite Matrices from Group Rings, Composite G-Codes and Constructions of Self-Dual Codes
ST Dougherty, J Gildea, A Korban, A Kaya
Designs Codes and Cryptography 89, 1615-1638, 2021
An altered four circulant construction for self-dual codes from group rings and new extremal binary self-dual codes I
J Gildea, A Kaya, B Yildiz
Discrete Mathematics 342 (12), 111620, 2019
New extremal binary self-dual codes of length 68 from generalized neighbors
J Gildea, A Kaya, A Korban, B Yildiz
Finite Fields and Their Applications 67, 101727, 2020
New extremal binary self-dual codes of length 68
A Kaya, B Yildiz
Journal of Algebra Combinatorics Discrete Structures and Applications 1 (1 …, 2014
2^n bordered constructions of self-dual codes from group rings
ST Dougherty, J Gildea, A Kaya
Finite Fields and Their Applications 67, 101692, 2020
New self-dual and formally self-dual codes from group ring constructions
S Dougherty, J Gildea, A Kaya, B Yildiz
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 14 (1), 11-22, 2020
Cyclic codes over local Frobenius rings of order 16
ST Dougherty, A Kaya, E Saltürk
Advances in Mathematics of Communications 11 (1), 99-114, 2017
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Articles 1–20