Betul Tosun
Betul Tosun
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, HemşirelikFakültesi, Hemşirelik Esasları Anabilim Dalı
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Cited by
Evaluating the effects of preoperative fasting and fluid limitation
B Tosun, A Yava, C Açıkel
International journal of nursing practice 21 (2), 156-165, 2015
Addressing the effects of transcultural nursing education on nursing students’ cultural competence: A systematic review
B Tosun, A Yava, E Dirgar, EB Şahin, EB Yılmaz, K Papp, V Tóthova, ...
Nurse Education in Practice 55, 103171, 2021
Knowledge, attitudes and prejudices of nursing students about the provision of transcultural nursing care to refugees: A comparative descriptive study
B Tosun, Ö Sinan
Nurse education today 85, 104294, 2020
Hemşirelik yüksek okulu öğrencilerinin genital hijyen hakkındaki bilgi düzeylerinin ve davranışlarının değerlendirilmesi
S Özdemir, T Ortabağ, B Tosun, Ö Özdemir, H Bebiş
Gülhane Tıp Dergisi 54 (2), 120-8, 2012
Hemşire Kaleminden Mobbing: İş Yerinde Psikolojik Saldırı.
S Özdemir, B Tosun, H Bebiş, A Yava
TAF Preventive Medicine Bulletin 12 (2), 2013
Comparison of three different thermometers in evaluating the body temperature of healthy young adult individuals
T Basak, S Aciksoz, B Tosun, A Akyuz, C Acikel
International journal of nursing practice 19 (5), 471-478, 2013
Effects of Self-KneeMassage With Ginger Oil in Patients With Osteoarthritis: An Experimental Study.
TS Tosun B., Unal N., Yigit D., Can N., Aslan O.
Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal 4 (31 …, 2017
The relationship between intercultural effectiveness and intercultural awareness and xenophobia among undergraduate nursing and vocational schools of health services students …
S Gungor, B Tosun, M Prosen
Nurse Education Today 107, 105104, 2021
Turkish version of Kolcaba's Immobilization Comfort Questionnaire: a validity and reliability study
B Tosun, Ö Aslan, S Tunay, A Akyüz, H Özkan, D Bek, S Açıksöz
Asian nursing research 9 (4), 278-284, 2015
Cardiovascular surgery patients: intensive care experiences and associated factors
Ö Aslan, B Tosun
Asian nursing research 9 (4), 336-341, 2015
Do patients with diabetes use the insulin pen properly?
B Tosun, FI Cinar, Z Topcu, B Masatoglu, N Ozen, G Bagcivan, O Kilic, ...
African Health Sciences 19 (1), 1628-1637, 2019
Musculoskeletal pain, related factors, and posture profiles among adolescents: a cross-sectional study from Turkey
S Ozdemir, D Gencbas, B Tosun, H Bebis, O Sinan
Pain Management Nursing 22 (4), 522-530, 2021
Periferik Venöz Kateter Kaynaklı Flebit Gelişme Durumu ve Hemşirelerin Kanıta Dayalı Uygulamalara İlişkin Bilgi Düzeyleri: Nokta Prevalans Çalışması.
B Tosun, BK ARSLAN, N Özen
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Nursing Sciences 12 (1), 2020
Effects of vapocoolant spray prior to SC LMWH injection: an experimental study
N Unal, B Tosun, O Aslan, S Tunay
Clinical nursing research 30 (2), 127-134, 2021
Evaluating nurses’ knowledge of pressure injury prevention: A descriptive study
E Dirgar, B Tosun, H Dokumuş, T Bülbül
Advances in Skin & Wound Care 35 (4), 1-6, 2022
Preoperative position splint versus skin traction in patients with hip fracture: an experimental study
B Tosun, O Aslan, S Tunay
International journal of orthopaedic and trauma nursing 28, 8-15, 2018
Periferik intravenöz katetere bağlı flebit oranının ve etkileyen faktörlerin değerlendirilmesi
S Berşe, B Tosun, N Tosun
Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hemşirelik Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi 13 (3), 160-169, 2020
Genital hygiene behaviors among married women and the outcomes of counseling practices
Ö Sinan, E Çamözü, B Tosun
Hemşirelikte Araştırma Geliştirme Dergisi 21 (1-2), 12-22, 2019
Hemşirelik öğrencilerinin şiddete bakışı
Turkiye Klinikleri Psychiatric Nursing-Special Topics 3 (2), 108-114, 2017
Evaluation of Turkish nurses’ attitudes to workplace incivility
E Dirgar, B Tosun, S Arslan
University of Ostrava, 2021
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