Gungor Budak
Cited by
Cited by
Inferring causal molecular networks: empirical assessment through a community-based effort
SM Hill, LM Heiser, T Cokelaer, M Unger, NK Nesser, DE Carlin, Y Zhang, ...
Nature methods 13 (4), 310-318, 2016
PrecisionFDA Truth Challenge V2: Calling variants from short and long reads in difficult-to-map regions
ND Olson, J Wagner, J McDaniel, SH Stephens, ST Westreich, ...
Cell genomics 2 (5), 2022
Transcriptome analysis of developing lens reveals abundance of novel transcripts and extensive splicing alterations
R Srivastava, G Budak, S Dash, SA Lachke, SC Janga
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 11572, 2017
Reconstruction of the temporal signaling network in Salmonella-infected human cells
G Budak, O Eren Ozsoy, Y Aydin Son, T Can, N Tuncbag
Frontiers in microbiology 6, 730, 2015
Express: A database of transcriptome profiles encompassing known and novel transcripts across multiple development stages in eye tissues
G Budak, S Dash, R Srivastava, SA Lachke, SC Janga
Experimental eye research 168, 57-68, 2018
Pan-African genome demonstrates how population-specific genome graphs improve high-throughput sequencing data analysis
HS Tetikol, D Turgut, K Narci, G Budak, O Kalay, E Arslan, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 4384, 2022
Seten: a tool for systematic identification and comparison of processes, phenotypes, and diseases associated with RNA-binding proteins from condition-specific CLIP-seq profiles
G Budak, R Srivastava, SC Janga
Rna 23 (6), 836-846, 2017
ExSurv: A web resource for prognostic analyses of exons across human cancers using clinical transcriptomes
S Hashemikhabir, G Budak, SC Janga
Cancer Informatics 15, CIN. S39367, 2016
M4B: A novel method for designing and ordering of the genetic devices
S Hashemikhabir, G Ersoy, G Oguz, B Yaldiz, Y Tuncel, G Budak, ...
2012 7th International Symposium on Health Informatics and Bioinformatics …, 2012
Automated Identification of Germline de novo Mutations in Family Trios: A Consensus-Based Informatic Approach
M Shadrina, Ö Kalay, S Demirkaya-Budak, CA LeDuc, WK Chung, ...
bioRxiv, 2024
Pangenome References Improve Biomarker Estimation from Tumor Sequencing Data
E Arslan, D Turgut, O Kalay, S Demirkaya-Budak, G Budak, A Jain
bioRxiv, 2024.11. 14.623554, 2024
Whole genome sequencing for metastatic mutational burden in extraskeletal myxoid chondrosarcoma
T Zou, R Sethi, J Wang, G Budak, U Chandran, I John, R Watters, K Weiss
Frontiers in Molecular Medicine 3, 1152550, 2023
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Articles 1–12