Esra Ateş Genceli
Esra Ateş Genceli
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Cited by
Characterization and COD fractionation of domestic wastewaters
D Orhon, E Ateş, S Sözen, EU Çokgör
Environmental Pollution 95 (2), 191-204, 1997
Disinfection by-products precursors removal by enhanced coagulation and PAC adsorption
V Uyak, S Yavuz, I Toroz, S Ozaydin, EA Genceli
Desalination 216 (1-3), 334-344, 2007
Characterization of tannery wastewaters for pretreatment selected case studies
E Ates, D Orhon, O Tünay
Water Science and Technology 36 (2-3), 217-223, 1997
Characterization and pollution profile of leather tanning industry in Turkey
O Tünay, I Kabdasli, D Orhon, E Ates
Water Science and Technology 32 (12), 1-9, 1995
Characterization and modeling of activated sludge for tannery wastewater
D Orhon, EA Genceli, EU Çokgör
Water environment research 71 (1), 50-63, 1999
A description of three methods for the determination of the initial inert particulate chemical oxygen demand of wastewater
D Orhon, N Artan, E Ateş
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology: International Research in …, 1994
Experimental evaluation of the nitrification kinetics for tannery wastewaters
D Orhon, EA Genceli, S Sozen
Water Sa 26 (1), 43-50, 2000
Progress on reinforced braided hollow fiber membranes in separation technologies: A review
T Turken, R Sengur-Tasdemir, E Ates-Genceli, VV Tarabara, I Koyuncu
Journal of Water Process Engineering 32, 100938, 2019
An investigation on the optimal location of ozonation within biological treatment for a tannery wastewater
S Dogruel, EA Genceli, FG Babuna, D Orhon
Journal of Chemical Technology & Biotechnology: International Research in …, 2006
Ozonation of nonbiodegradable organics in tannery wastewater
S Dogruel, EA Genceli, FG Babuna, D Orhon
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 39 (7), 1705-1715, 2004
Sequencing batch reactor treatment of tannery wastewater for carbon and nitrogen removal
S Murat, E Atesş Genceli, R Tasşli, N Artan, D Orhon
Water science and technology 46 (9), 219-227, 2002
The effect of chemical settling on the kinetics and design of activated sludge for tannery wastewaters
D Orhon, S Sözen, EU Çokgör, EA Genceli
Water science and technology 38 (4-5), 355-362, 1998
Hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes: A comparative review of interfacial polymerization and phase inversion fabrication methods
GM Urper, R Sengur-Tasdemir, T Turken, E Ates Genceli, VV Tarabara, ...
Separation Science and Technology 52 (13), 2120-2136, 2017
Polymeric hollow fiber membrane oxygenators as artificial lungs: A review
OO Teber, AD Altinay, SAN Mehrabani, RS Tasdemir, B Zeytuncu, ...
Biochemical Engineering Journal 180, 108340, 2022
Occurrence of THM and NDMA precursors in a watershed: Effect of seasons and anthropogenic pollution
E Aydin, FB Yaman, EA Genceli, E Topuz, E Erdim, M Gurel, M Ipek, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 221, 86-91, 2012
Hollow fiber nanofiltration membranes for surface water treatment: Performance evaluation at the pilot scale
R Sengur-Tasdemir, GM Urper-Bayram, T Turken, E Ates-Genceli, ...
Journal of Water Process Engineering 42, 102100, 2021
Biomimetic approaches for membrane technologies
R Sengur-Tasdemir, S Aydin, T Turken, EA Genceli, I Koyuncu
Separation & Purification Reviews 45 (2), 122-140, 2016
Chemical treatability of dairy wastewater
A Tanik, E Ates Genceli, A Ekdal
Environmental Management and Health 13 (2), 163-174, 2002
Preparation, modification, and characterization of pitches from apricot stones
E Genceli, E Apak, M Razvigorova, N Petrov, V Minkova, E Ekinci
Fuel processing technology 75 (2), 97-107, 2002
Effects of carboxylated multi-walled carbon nanotubes having different outer diameters on hollow fiber ultrafiltration membrane fabrication and characterization by …
EA Genceli, R Sengur-Tasdemir, GM Urper, S Gumrukcu, Z Guler-Gokce, ...
Polymer Bulletin 75, 2431-2457, 2018
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Articles 1–20