Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Childhood Trauma Questionnaire V Sar, E Ozturk, E Ikikardes Turkiye Klinikleri Tip Bilimleri Dergisi 32 (4), 1054-1063, 2012 | 315 | 2012 |
Axis I dissociative disorder comorbidity in borderline personality disorder and reports of childhood trauma V Sar, G Akyuz, N Kugu, E Ozturk, H Ertem-Vehid Journal of Clinical Psychiatry 67 (10), 1583-1590, 2006 | 282 | 2006 |
Childhood trauma and dissociation in schizophrenia V Sar, O Taycan, N Bolat, M Özmen, A Duran, E Öztürk, H Ertem-Vehid Psychopathology 43 (1), 33-40, 2009 | 202 | 2009 |
Frontal and occipital perfusion changes in dissociative identity disorder V Sar, SN Unal, E Ozturk Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging 156 (3), 217-223, 2007 | 141 | 2007 |
What is trauma and dissociation? V Sar, E Ozturk Trauma and Dissociation in a Cross-Cultural Perspective, 7-20, 2013 | 137 | 2013 |
Dissociative disorders in the psychiatric emergency ward V Sar, A Koyuncu, E Ozturk, LI Yargic, T Kundakci, A Yazici, E Kuskonmaz, ... General hospital psychiatry 29 (1), 45-50, 2007 | 114 | 2007 |
Dissociative depression among women in the community V Sar, G Akyüz, E Öztürk, F Alioğlu Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 14 (4), 423-438, 2013 | 101 | 2013 |
HMPAO SPECT study of regional cerebral blood flow in dissociative identity disorder V Sar, SN Unal, E Kiziltan, T Kundakci, E Ozturk Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 2 (2), 5-25, 2001 | 95 | 2001 |
Childhood emotional abuse and dissociation in patients with conversion symptoms V Sar, S Islam, E Öztürk Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 63 (5), 670-677, 2009 | 91 | 2009 |
The “apparently normal” family: a contemporary agent of transgenerational trauma and dissociation E Ozturk, V Sar Journal of Trauma Practice 4 (3-4), 287-303, 2006 | 89 | 2006 |
Fear of happiness among college students: The role of gender, childhood psychological trauma, and dissociation V Şar, T Türk, E Öztürk Indian journal of psychiatry 61 (4), 389-394, 2019 | 76 | 2019 |
Somatization as a predictor of suicidal ideation in dissociative disorders E Öztürk, V Sar Psychiatry and clinical neurosciences 62 (6), 662-668, 2008 | 76 | 2008 |
Functional dissociation of the self: A sociocognitive approach to trauma and dissociation V Şar, E Öztürk Journal of Trauma & Dissociation 8 (4), 69-89, 2007 | 72 | 2007 |
Travma ve dissosiyasyon: Dissosiyatif kimlik bozukluğunun psikoterapisi ve aile dinamikleri E Öztürk Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 2017 | 64 | 2017 |
Cocukluk Cagi Ruhsal Travma Ölceginin Türkce Uyarlamasinin Gecerlilik ve Güvenilirligi/validity and reliability of the turkish version of childhood trauma questionnaire V Sar, E Öztürk, E Ikikardes Türkiye Klinikleri. Tip Bilimleri Dergisi 32 (4), 1054, 2012 | 62 | 2012 |
Travma ve Dissosiyasyon: Psikotravmatoloji Temel Kitabı (2. Baskı) E Öztürk İstanbul: Nobel Tıp Kitabevi, 33-351, 2020 | 54 | 2020 |
Psychotraumatology and dissociation: a theoretical and clinical approach E Ozturk, B Erdogan, G Derin Med-Sci 10, 246-54, 2021 | 48 | 2021 |
Psikotarih, travma ve dissosiyasyon: Çocukluk çağı travmaları, savaşlar ve dissosiyasyonun anamnezi E Öztürk E, Öztürk E,(Ed.). Psikotarih içinde 1, 1-21, 2020 | 48 | 2020 |
Trauma based alliance model therapy. E Ozturk Medicine Science 10 (2), 2021 | 41 | 2021 |
Estimating the reduction in the radiation burden from nuclear cardiology through use of stress-only imaging in the United States and worldwide M Mercuri, TNB Pascual, JJ Mahmarian, LJ Shaw, M Dondi, D Paez, ... JAMA internal medicine 176 (2), 269-273, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |